Do you remember the first thing you did?

Author Topic: Do you remember the first thing you did?  (Read 3430 times)

My first build was a hotel with three floors, a massive Blockhead statue, a stain glass window, and a life size chess board with the pieces.

I no longer have it.

Tutorial, was on demo mode (way back in v17, bought the game right after v21).

Back in 2008 I never bothered to buy the game. All I did was download GSF's maps that somewhat looked like giant builds made out of bricks, and use Space Guy's v8 bots to inhabit the single-player server. After that I stopped playing until I finally decided to buy it around v11 or v12.

i downloaded the demo and started building a town on the bed using instructions from my lego sets. as soon as i ran out of bricks i bought the game and finished it.

it was the creator house, with the fire and police station and a hospital.

after that i joined dark ninjas house build and me and 4 other people built a house inside the bed that i still have in my saves.

my god that was like 6-7 years ago why do i still remember that ;-:

Joined a server with a ton of randomly colored bricks, said something in chat, noticed my username wasn't the same as my LAN name, left, changed name properly. Then I joined a Bedroom server with a ton of add-ons that I didn't even know were add-ons until a couple months later.

i spammed a bunch of 1x1s because i was excited i was no longer limited by 150 bricks

i cried after being born
on demo i went on the tutorial and then went to the bedroom

ooooh i also remember when mr. wallet taught me how to use print bricks. ever since then ive named every bar ive built the "Blue Bar" because thats what he spelt out for me :)

its funny cause the guy who tried to show me before literally spelt out on print bricks with the printer right in front of me:

and i still didnt get it. i was just like "oh ok thanks" and left

thanks mr. wallet for being such a sweetie pie

I hosted a skyscraper freebuild and got like 10 players.

server host from the beginning :)

played in a dm on amade's server

Played tutorial. Got scared by the absence of my feet.

First thing I did
Immediately after I authenticated my key I joined kalphiters city, wandered around and left

I played unlimited single player for retail Blockland, probably that white slate map.

For demo Blockland, I first did the tutorial (my dad did it before me :o)