
Do you (even if you already are/have)...

Wish you could be homeschooled?
Wish you could go to a private/public school?
Not care either way?
Want to drop out of school?
Want to play Blockland until the day you die?

Author Topic: What Do You Think About Homeschoolers?  (Read 6460 times)

tell them you're being picked on a lot. if that doesn't work, you just have bad parents :v
its just that my mother thinks that I'll be on my computer more then I already am.
Makes more sense to move to a school that doesn't suck eggs than to be homeschooled, but that'd really only be assuming the money for that is available.
I have a really good school to go to and I hate it. I'd rather be homeschooled

I have a really good school to go to and I hate it. I'd rather be homeschooled
The reasoning for that then is....

I really want to be homeschooled, but I don't know how I can come out to my parents about it, I told them the idea and my mother thought it would turn me anti-social or something. In school, I don't even talk to anyone so it wont bother me at all. Any ways to convince them?
I have a friend in the exact same situation. I suggest coming down with a case of a huge tantrum and - no don't do that. Prove to them you are mature enough to be an independent worker. Maybe they would give you a free trial to prove it.

do people even get bullied anymore

Homeschool would've been a nightmare for me. That would have meant no basketball, no ski and snowboard club, no football, no parties every weekend as a senior, etc etc. I think people really miss out she they're homeschooled.

Homeschool would've been a nightmare for me. That would have meant no basketball, no ski and snowboard club, no football, no parties every weekend as a senior, etc etc. I think people really miss out she they're homeschooled.
Yeah, doesn't work for everyone

Homeschool would've been a nightmare for me. That would have meant no basketball, no ski and snowboard club, no football, no parties every weekend as a senior, etc etc. I think people really miss out she they're homeschooled.
Nah, homeschoolers can still do that stuff, they just have to find the right groups 'n stuff. I personally don't want to do most of that anyway, so it gives me more time to myself and activities I want to devote myself to.

Also, homeschooling allows me to listen to my music all day long. >:D

Homeschool would've been a nightmare for me. That would have meant no basketball, no ski and snowboard club, no football, no parties every weekend as a senior, etc etc. I think people really miss out she they're homeschooled.
It depends on what kind of homeschooled you are, I'm in a homeschooling program where I go to a school (wonderful school btw) once a week and I do what I wanna do on the rest of the week for homework.  I still play football and basketball with friends at the school and still hangout with them.

As offensive as this is, I lol'd.
didn't mean to offend, haha.
i'm seriously homeschooled, meant it half as a joke and half seriously.

Homeschool would've been a nightmare for me. That would have meant no basketball, no ski and snowboard club, no football, no parties every weekend as a senior, etc etc. I think people really miss out she they're homeschooled.
This :v

Homeschoolers don't buy enough drugs to be a profitable target audience for vigorous sales campaigns.

They seem extremely resistant to free samples.

It depends on what kind of homeschooled you are, I'm in a homeschooling program where I go to a school (wonderful school btw) once a week and I do what I wanna do on the rest of the week for homework.
I do the same thing