Author Topic: Blockhead67391's Delta Prime Metropolis (WIP)  (Read 2847 times)

Looks nice but some bricks could be replaced with bigger bricks but better than my first build so

really nice especially since its his first 10/10

is this seriously his first build
this is really good

Brighter you better take him under your loving wing
I swur on me mum, I'll slit your throat if he just falls into the cracks of mediocre builders that can improve so much

He builds a lot like the way I did when I first joined. Now with almost 4.5 years experience I've come exceptionally far

in general, it's a 6/10, but for someone who is so new, I'd easily give it a 9/10 with that in mind. Tell your friend/stranger to continue working at building, use bigger bricks, show him neat tricks and techniques, brick types, etc.

Wow. I can imagine him being the next Brickitect (or whoever it is that makes really good builds).

Not bad for a first, super neat!

I like the market stalls outside.

Wow. I can imagine him being the next Brickitect (or whoever it is that makes really good builds).

that wouldn't take very long, brickitect isn't that great. he can make cookie cutter suburban housing, no need to praise him like a demigod.

Far better than what I could build when I first joined.

Good job, 67391.

Other than the big tacky sign on the roof it's really cool

newbs can be pros within 3 milliseconds sometimes :/