Author Topic: Sylvanor - Butthurt Grudge-Holding Admin  (Read 6911 times)

you bet pass will find another argument to stuff on me?

you bet pass will find another argument to stuff on me?
well you're provoking one

well your right, let's stop this here, anyway, for my case!

honestly these arguments have gone on long enough

we need to stop fighting.

honestly these arguments have gone on long enough

we need to stop fighting.
make peace not war

Lol i cant believe you did a drama for this... you are pathetic!
why are you talking like this?
it's annoying.

I'd rather you make me a sandwich.
i'd rather war than making you a sandwich

I find it understable he banned you, you stuff on his clan and threads whenever you can.

I'd have banned you too :)

It is still not his server to ban me from. It was Sord's server.

So you admit to all that stuff?

If so, you are a ridiculous cunt lol. It really isn't a surprise you got banned, even if it wasn't his server.

He banned you because you harass him and his clan members all the time. Good attempt though!

this is hardly even a clan though... sylvanor is basically the only person that does stuff, and sometimes Lordy lord

oh i know im conceited, because SPO is better.
SPO was around months before cohort and instead of just building stuff and doing nothing with it, we actually do stuff.
furdle and i are hardly the only builders.
if you think cohort is better, you have another thing coming.

and i didnt even come in here saying ANYTHING about SPO. i was just pointing out some flaws in the clan so that maybe it could be better by having more collaboration? sorry you sensitive 'business men' have such negative opinions of me that you think everything i say is bad.

this is hardly even a clan though

i was just pointing out some flaws in the clan