Author Topic: Spencer2015 - Yes, he's still alive  (Read 10965 times)

So about half an hour ago Spencer decided to somehow get Super Admin on a server and ban a bunch of IDs with a script or something.
Not sure how he got it, since the host claims no one gave him the password.

and so on...

Mr LoL also used this script a long time ago (not starting anything, just pointing out)

Known IDs

Knowing from the dialogue it looks like a wolf RP.

Knowing from the dialogue it looks like a wolf RP.
Yeah people on the server provided me with the pics...

I saw him not too long ago
He greeted me by quoting that drama I made but he didn't do anything like this
I think maxx was there too

Haha, good old Spencer

He joined Simon Says a while back and we had a sarcastic debate

He's a good pal but I don't agree with everything he does

He told me that Blockland got boring for him so this is his way of having fun.

Even though It's forgeted up.

i find it sad that he does stuff like this now

the quirkier question is what twenky was doing in a wolf rp

I was co-host on that server, I joined afterwards, but I saw the aftermath on the banlist. Hope this guy gets revoked. he banned 2447 people.

He's been trolling on Family RP servers with Xephi...something here
Anyway he's been trolling a lot.

he talks about how we're little kids for playing this game and he's still playing LOL

god dammit not spencer >:(

I'm sorry, but who the forget is Spencer?
is he a person that has a script to forcefully get admin?


And yes, I was Scratch, that Mr.LoL drama topic creator. But if you're worried about Mr.LoL doing it again, don't worry. We have apologized to each other and he has never done that ever again.

I'm sorry, but who the forget is Spencer?
is he a person that has a script to forcefully get admin?
well you could use the search button

or you know, post it on the forums and wait for someone to explain it to youw