Author Topic: Doors Add Event Lines when Loaded  (Read 458 times)

Whenever I load up my build on my server, all the doors have added the 3 default event lines for them on top of my other events. This results in 3 unfortunate side effects (in order of least to most damaging effects):
  • Makes there be a stuff-ton of event lines.
  • Makes doors not open counter-clockwise
  • Makes doors that are restricted be able to be opened by everyone with just a click. (I use Security Cards and Keycards to restrict them.)

This is quite a problem, as I have a lot of doors and restart my server multiple times a day. Therefore, the sooner this problem is solved, the better. (I'm eager to get back to hosting).

Add-on list (if you prefer this to just looking at the console.)

Disable support_doors

Enable JVS

Thanks, ill try it in the morning.

It didn't help. I tried fixing a door, saving, then reloading, and it was no longer working after I loaded.

I need this fixed as soon as possible because it was my intention to finish my server's build by Christmas. However, due to this problem, I can't work on the build without everything breaking. I am getting desperate, so whether you have a way to help the problem directly or help me find a fix, please comment.

Disable Server_Elevators. That should fix it.

This bug has been reported to me before. Supposedly it's JVS + Legacy Doors + Elevators that do this. But I have been unable to replicate it, so I can't fix it.

Thank you so much, that is probably it because this happened when the elevators were enabled (along with a few other mods).