Author Topic: No Killer  (Read 835 times)

So the problem is that whenever someone kills someone else, no matter what type of minigame it is (whether its slayer or zombies) it never shows the killer. And the result of this being that it doesn't give any points to that killer. I suspected it might be the slayer gamemode affecting the points system somehow, but I've checked all of the options and nothing worked. Now this has been going on for a few months now. I have switched to the steam version of Blockland but that isn't the problem, nor did it fix it. If anyone has the solution that would be just dandy.

Please post your console log using the FAQ at the top of this board.

Here's the console

I have this problem too. I'll try to get you a console.log also.

The funny thing is that this is exactly what I want to happen on my server, yet could not find a script for it. Interesting.

Hmmm... Try DISABLING slayer before launching your server, and see if that works.

here are the add-ons shown in bobafet's console.log, for reference

I've seen some weapon packs that have prefs for this. Check which ones you have.