Author Topic: Dogecoin - To become a "Bitcoin"? - Price Rising! $1 per 1,800 - Tipping!  (Read 4458 times)

you probably still remember this but I bought windows 8 with 20k coins, back when they were worth nothing

Some people will trade you a pizza delivery for doges too.

The setup for this thing still confuses me

I wanted to buy $1 worth of them, how would I go about doing this? This whole bitcoin/altcoin thing is seriously the most confusing thing to set up.

This whole bitcoin/altcoin thing is seriously the most confusing thing to set up.

I wanted to buy $1 worth of them, how would I go about doing this? This whole bitcoin/altcoin thing is seriously the most confusing thing to set up.

You can get $1 worth on eBay or in a trade.

would have to use eBay to buy em.

the exchanges only trade em for bit coins right now. that will prob change when/if they get more popular

I think my friend pool shut down before sending me them

I think my friend pool shut down before sending me them

A lot of pools have problems right now, DDOS, etc. Try again later.

How do you get your address?

I ran the program from and opened up the wallet, but i don't know what I use to give to other people to receive coin.

How do you get your address?

I ran the program from and opened up the wallet, but i don't know what I use to give to other people to receive coin.
Click "Much receive"

Looks like this DQqC8Cs5R7hT97pi6Q5UDz3yFK7ZG axZZw

(Send your coins to DQqC8Cs5R7hT97pi6Q5UDz3yFK7ZG axZZw for a chance to QUADTUBLE them)

I'm absolutely lost. After I get the address what the hell do I do? I got the join a pool thing but where do I input this info?

I might buy a coin, but is it really worth it? I only wanna experiment and see what it'll raise to next.

Why some of you are wasting money over a virtual doge version of bitcoin? I don't even.