Author Topic: Unit Frames [Beta out!] (combat text? p2)  (Read 3400 times)

This is a small thing I have been working on. Since break is happening I can probably finish it by next week, but I need some design opinions before progressing (what would you guys like to see).

Here is a picture of it in it's current state:

(click for bigger)

Current Features:
-Unit Frames:
   -Shows the name of the player
   -Shows an avatar preview of the player (moves up and down as if running)
   -Shows health of player
   -(if self) shows energy of player

-Unit frame support for yourself, and a target/focus (more talk on that later)

Possibly planned features:
-Support for 'squads' (essentially parties in any mmo you've ever played)
   This is a lot of space on your screen to find!

-Scrolling combat text
   haven't really even started this yet so I am not positive if the way I am thinking is possible,
   but I'm sure I could make something work

Bugs/Design Issues:
-I can't decide on whether I want the second frame to be a target or a focus:
   Target: Most recent player you attacked (maybe even looked at)
   Focus: Someone you set and the frame will stay them until you decide otherwise
   Both: I could do both if I spend lots of time trying to get them to fit on the screen nicely
     (please post your preference)

-They are ugly
   I am really bad at graphic design, could someone help me with this pleaseee? :)

-Tilt the avatar a different way?
   Forward is kind of weird but I haven't had time to mess with it differently

-Should I even finish this?
   The use is very small, and won't be used widely at all

-Support for Iban's Health Bar Mod (server)
   Should I add support for the mod, so on servers you join, it will open up only yourself (you won't be able to focus or target anyone) and show that health?

-Should the name be the actual name of the player (in terms of focus frame (ONLY FOCUS)) or a nick name you write when you use the command to focus them?
   Not really sure why I am asking this but might as well

-Will all of this data being sent to and from server cause lag on many player servers?
   It sends avatar data (only when you create the unit frame on your screen) for all frames except yours
   It sends health very frequently (i don't think this will be an issue)
      I really don't think so, but might was well ask

doing beta through RTB so I can control the updates

just post/pm me/something to be added to the list
include your current BL_ID

Join my Arms Race Beta server to test it!

please post all your bugs here

« Last Edit: December 30, 2013, 09:50:08 PM by Munkey »

How are they ugly? The only bad things about them are the bar colors.

If it will be as default or something, like this, i will be glad, useful. 10/10

I think the frames fit the style of Blockland's new main menus.

Both, as health is not accessible on the client in an easy way.

the whole squad idea is looking to be a no-go

because where in the world do I fit four more frames?! (keep in mind 800x600 resolution players)

make the position custom

allow infinite squad members

Both, as health is not accessible on the client in an easy way.
put head ontop of bars
more room.

When you think about it, the shadow map is basically a camera pointed at the sun.

When you think about it, the shadow map is basically a camera pointed at the sun.

Okay.. and yes, that's the whole point?

This page has 4 results for "camera" (including this post), and none are posted by DrenDran.

This page has 4 results for "camera" (including this post), and none are posted by DrenDran.

That's probably because I posted in the wrong thread. Sorry.