Author Topic: Finish the user above's story.  (Read 380 times)

For example,

Zoraki: Once there was this kid named tommy, he likes to play basketball and spends most of his time in Blockland but one day...

User: He got stung by 6 billion bees, he ran to his house finding...

Zoraki: that his mother was killed. He cried for the whole day. Then he heard footsteps from upstairs...

User: He founds out that it was his dad taking a stuff. Tommy told him "What happen to mommy?" He reply back...

(Make sure to keep the sentence continuing. EX: After he... , Later she... , He fell in the...)
« Last Edit: December 26, 2013, 08:08:20 PM by Zoraki »

tommy chastised his dad for his blatant loveism and decided to join tumblr as a free-speaking feminist, ready to tackle the patriarchy right in his misogynistic iron balls!

Tommy drove off with his bike. His dad was chasing him with his truck. Tommy was fat so he wasn't so quick enough. The truck caught up with tommy. Tommy later fell and broke his...

conscience, and went on a killing spree, combating every cis cigarette in the surrounding county

tommy got so mad about how everyone was calling him a murder he broke the forth wall and started typing this post. Tommy (me wow third person and 4th!) than went to drama and posted a bogus topic about...