[VIDEO] Zombie Server Preview

Author Topic: [VIDEO] Zombie Server Preview  (Read 1464 times)

We've had enough zombie servers of the old, cliche, shoot'em'up kind. Let's change the tides, shall we?
I won't be releasing much information but what I will say is:
~ countdown with distant alarms, gets louder
~ UI sounds for most actions
~ actual 'animations' instead of just "5 points" popping up
~ bloood.
Discuss this menace of a server idea!

All sounds ingame as usual. Textual countdown awaiting.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2013, 12:01:01 AM by Arekan »

Ah, man, this has been in the works for a few months now, huh? Finally getting somewhere, good to see.

Ah, man, this has been in the works for a few months now, huh? Finally getting somewhere, good to see.
Nah lol this was worked on in the past 15 minutes. It's a different idea, one I like better.

how do you do this stuff so fast

because i've done it 10x over, i know how to do it

Took a little time to recreate them tasty scoring effects, definitely a grand idea I'll be using a lot.
(The fact that I just finished compiling a bunch of MW3 sounds into a pack makes the timing on this absolutely impeccable)

This notification on the screen looks cool, i want this on my server :c

Go nuts, this is the system I crapped out for it.

onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   50   <font:impact:30><color:005500>+10   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   100   <font:impact:30><color:006600>+20   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   150   <font:impact:30><color:007700>+30   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   200   <font:impact:30><color:202020>-<color:008800>+40<color:202020>-   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   250   <font:impact:30><color:303030>--<color:009900>+50<color:303030>--   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   300   <font:impact:30><color:303030>-<color:00AA00>+60<color:303030>-   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   350   <font:impact:30><color:404040>--<color:00BB00>+70<color:404040>--   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   400   <font:impact:30><color:404040>--<color:00CC00>+80<color:404040>--   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   450   <font:impact:30><color:505050>---<color:00DD00>+90<color:505050>---   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   500   <font:impact:30><color:505050>---<color:00EE00>+100<color:505050>---   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   550   <font:impact:30><color:606060>---<color:00FF00>+100<color:606060>---   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   playSound   0   1653
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   IncScore   0   100
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   50   <font:impact:30><color:550000>K   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   100   <font:impact:30><color:660000>Ki   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   150   <font:impact:30><color:770000>Kil   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   200   <font:impact:30><color:202020>-<color:880000>Kill<color:202020>-   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   250   <font:impact:30><color:303030>--<color:990000>Kille<color:303030>--   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   300   <font:impact:30><color:303030>-<color:AA0000>Killed<color:303030>-   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   350   <font:impact:30><color:404040>--<color:BB0000>Killed <color:404040>--   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   400   <font:impact:30><color:404040>--<color:CC0000>Killed b<color:404040>--   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   450   <font:impact:30><color:505050>---<color:DD0000>Killed by<color:505050>---   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   500   <font:impact:30><color:505050>---<color:EE0000>Killed by <color:505050>---   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   550   <font:impact:30><color:606060>---<color:FF0000>Killed by <shadow:3:3><shadowcolor:000000>%1<shadow:0:0><color:606060>---   3
onMinigameKill   Client   playSound   0   1643

(Sounds are referring to my own sounds, so replace those at your leisure)

So um...
All you do is kill zombies?

Sry for the caps, I am too excited.

oh man you sure are great for making ambiance

I can't wait to play this

So um...
All you do is kill zombies?
look at the link with my name in op

There is way more to it than just killing zombies, and buying guns. Infact, you won't just be buying upgrades for things either. You'll be buying lots of things. But, as said.
I won't be releasing much information

Also, thanks for making my 'animated' + 5 points icon no longer unique, taboob. It's not what I did, but it's close.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2013, 12:49:24 PM by Arekan »

They've been done before, I think I once had a far less gradienty sort going when I first started hosting before I started doing my eventing in notepad.