Author Topic: Who is Idle?  (Read 3941 times)

Who is the person?
Current general consensus: Otis Da HousKat

A Link to their profile - Idle

Interesting facts:
  • They have 0 posts and 1 vote [Source]
  • They have the most time online, 592d 14h 37m [Source]
  • They have a low BL_ID, 414, yet their BL forums registration was in 2011. [See Profile]
  • Their signature picture is of two men hanging. The only link I could find on this image was to a Russian site. The image appears to be from a trailer for movie called Hobo with a Shotgun (source omitted on the grounds that there's a stuff ton of gore and I'd rather not be banned). Translating the website's text shows " If you pass in a few words what is happening on the screen, you get something like this: corpses, dismemberment, severed limbs, burned children, gutted bellies prostrelyanny eggs, intestines, krovischa, hell, thrash and burn." If you want the source, just drag the image to Google images (to search by image) and click the .ru Russian website.[Source Omitted]
  • Curiously, the image links to Project Xanadu which is was/is some sort of movement for a different type of file/document type system on computers. [Source from]
  • Return to Blockland name history. Currently named Idle, it seems a likely active previous name (among the joke names) was Kaphix. Has also used the name Bisjac (perhaps as a joke as well considering Bisjac is the #2 most active on the forums. [Here]

A previous topic:
From here I tallied the different names people said he was including who said it.
  • MackTheHunter: 1 (from Nobot)
  • Kaphix: 1 (from Tango)
  • Otis Da HousKat: 4 (from Kalphiter, Bisjac, Clone v.117, KoopaScooper)
Many thought he was a bot but apparently Eussorus posted screenshots of the account sending messages, checking other people's profiles, and looking at Bisjac's profile (so seemingly not botlike behavior). This doesn't rule out that a human could not lot into the account of the bot though. [Source about 1/2 way down]

I would just want to know what the one thing that she/he voted on was...
« Last Edit: December 29, 2013, 01:55:35 AM by DYLANzzz »

its otis
Alright, I think I'm convinced it's Otis.

But what's with the link to Project Xanadu?

Ninja, the forget

i got a pm from him
all he said was "hi" :)

Ninja, the forget
I thought you already stated it was otis

I thought you already stated it was otis
Oh, no, I just put that 4 people thought it was Otis in that other topic. I left the post neutral but now I'm just convinced it's Otis

i got a pm from him
all he said was "hi" :)

He is going to kill you.

creepy as forgetkool kids klubkool kids klub
EDIT: also that image from his profile is a screenshot from the hobo with a shotgun movie, thanks google reverse image search.

i got a pm from him
all he said was "hi" :)

Can we have a picture?

He is going to kill you.
It was a rather recent PM to so yup, he's definitely gonna kill you, 100% guarentee

creepy as forgetkool kids klubkool kids klub
EDIT: also that image from his profile is a screenshot from the hobo with a shotgun movie, thanks google reverse image search.
pic sends shivers down my spine

Didnt one time his computer gotten taken away from the popo and the idle account shortly went out

Didnt one time his computer gotten taken away from the popo and the idle account shortly went out
Well, 592 days is less than 2 years and the account was registered on June 2011 something so the account hasn't been online the entire time.