Author Topic: post ways to make your self deaf PART 2  (Read 1136 times)

I am convinced that the forums can't count

18. Put ear next to a jet engine

you guys messed up the numbers way bad...


step off electrk

19. put a toothpick in your ear so it's hanging out and then slap that ear (idk if this would actually work but I bet it'd hurt so)

20. Be ear raped (literally)

19. put a toothpick in your ear so it's hanging out and then slap that ear (idk if this would actually work but I bet it'd hurt so)

i'm holding my hand to my ear to make sure it's okay

Can't ear drums repair themselves?

20. Fire a .50 BMG machine gun withou ear protection.

22. rizaelnig tht u cn reed this wey wiull b tha hgighlgiht of ur dahy.

23.listen to Beethoven sympathy at 300 db

24. Earth loses all oxygen for a mere 5 seconds. Ear drums pop due to the change in pressure.