
Good idea?

Could be, depends

Author Topic: FortWars Arena  (Read 161 times)

FortWars Arena

FortWars Arena is a gamemode I have created in which there are two phases,

Phase 1:

Build a fort using the fortress bricks category,
Place a land brick to own that patch of land and
then nobody else can build in that patch of land,
to make it interesting, you don't have a display
counting down the time until phase 2.

Phase 2:

You get giving a few weapons, and just go around
blowing up other peoples forts trying to kill their owners
the last one alive will win the round, and the round will be
reset for another round, simple.

If you don't think you understand, here's a brief strategy:

When you spawn, go to your "fortress" bricks category,
and place a land brick, you will now be able to build using
the other fortress bricks in that small patch, try to build
a strong design or a design where you can easily fire out,
but they can't fire in, and once Phase 2 starts, either stay
in your fort, or go out and fight the other forts.

What's in it:

Currently it is a very basic map, but later on there might be a more
detailed map or even different maps in a cycle, and cannons may be
coming thing, but for now it's just, build a base and fight.

Try it out and see what you think, any suggestions post them in the comments.

