Author Topic: Blockland Aces: The Cartelian War [On Base]  (Read 72653 times)

I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, "Mother, what was war?"
                                                                                                                     Eve Merriam


It is 2019. The Anean Continental War has ended two years ago. In those two years, Estovakia, after much rioting inside the country, allowed two independent movements to create a new nation and separate from Estovakia, one near the new Estovakian border, and one near the Emmerian border. Their names were Cartelian and Nerverak. Everything was peaceful for one year. Then, a coup overthrown Nerverak's democratic government and made it into a ruthless, horrible dictatorship. Nerverak then decides to claim more territory, starting with it's former peaceful partner, Cartelian...

W E L C O M E ,  P I L O T

Pilot! Welcome to the 86th Elite Air Wing and welcome to the United Cartelian Air Force, or UCAF for short. You were assigned to this elite air unit because of your talent and experience. You will start off with an standard F-16C Fighting Falcon. As you complete missions, you may ask for new planes to fly. Godspeed, pilot. Godspeed.

R U L E S  &  A D V I C E


These rules are to keep the roleplay under control. Do not break any of these rules, or else your action will be voided.

I. Do not shoot down any "MiG-(numbergoeshere)". There are no MiG's in Nerverak's Air Force.

II. If you choose to be an enemy (you can), do not powergame when fighting in the skies. Powergaming is when you are God, when you are not. An example is that a missile ALWAYS hits someone no matter what. Sometimes they evade it.

III. If you choose to be an enemy, your first plane is an Boeing or Lockheed Martin fighter jet of your choice.

IV. Sir Issac Newton once said, "For every action is an equal and opposite reaction". You must follow along with that action if it is something that can affect the battle (for example, reinforcements)

V. Listen to the moderators. (when they get here)

And last of all, have fun!


To help new players have more fun, I have thought of a bunch of advice to help the newbies.

1. Be detailed with your shoot-downs. Don't go "i shoot down 3 f-14s". Try and make it look detailed and immersive. For example: I come from behind of the plane, and fire my machine guns. It hits the fuel tanks and the plane goes down in a black fireball.

2. Don't pretend you always miss the missiles, or machine guns. Try and get your plane damaged once in a while. You don't get kicked out of the RP if you die or get shot down. (If you die, you can make another character.)

3. There are ranks. But everyone except moderators and me start out as Second Lieutenant. Mods start at Lieutenant Colonel.

4. Enjoy what you do! Be proud!



To get in, you MUST have an application.

Here is the application template (* means optional):

Side (Cartelian (good guys) or Nerverak (enemy)):
Piloting Style (Air to air, air to ground, multirole (both a/a and a/g)):

My example below:

Name: Frank Estaloo
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Side: Cartelian
Piloting Style: Multirole
Personality: Calm, quiet, and ready to kill things if it is his job, this man is ready for anything.
Nickname: White Raven


Side            Rank            Name                                            Aircraft                              
CartelianLt ColFrank EstalooF-35A Lightning II
CartelianCaptnJacov SteeleF-15E Strike Eagle
Cartelian2d LtNobot ZeeF-16C Fighting Falcon
Ally of CartelianCaptnMarko Primakov*MiG-29S Fulcrum-C (need confirmation on variant)
Cartelian2d LtRocky JohnsonsTu-160M Blackjack
Cartelian2d LtRafael OchoaSu-34 Fullback
CartelianCaptnLars GreenF-16C Fighting Falcon
Cartelian2d LtHaythem FlorlickA-10BC Thunderbolt II KIA
CartelianMajorKatalin YbarraNon-Combat
Cartelian2d LtRory JacksonMiG 1.44 Flatpack
Cartelian2d LtAnatoliy ZherdevF-16C Fighting Falcon

C H A I N  O F  C O M M A N D
Command Circle
Company Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Colonel Frank Estaloo | Multirole - F-35A Lightning II
Company Executive Officer: Major Katalin Ybarra | In charge of Company and Flight operations. Does not fly.

Upper Authority
Captain Marko Primakov | Multirole - MiG-29S Fulcrum-C
Captain Jacov Steele | Multirole - F-15S Silent Eagle
Captain Lars Green | Multirole - F-16C Fighting Falcon

Standard Pilots
Second Lieutenant Nobot Zee
Second Lieutenant Rory Jackson
Second Lieutenant Rafael Ochoa
Second Lieutenant Anatoliy Zherdev

I N  M E M O R Y  O F . . .

Xavier Jackson (Mikoyan 1.44 Flatback) [Mission 4 - KIFA] - Killed when ejection seat failed, crashed into ground
Haythem Florlick and Danna Mahler (A-10BC Thunderbolt II) [Mission 4.5 - KIA] - Killed in a shootout to protect a hospital.


Deoxys And One Noob
Mr. Hurricane

Let's get started then. After all eight slots are filled, we will begin. You can still join after signups. (new OP by NoZoner)
*was once Clay Perchinson
« Last Edit: March 26, 2014, 05:02:33 PM by Deoxys And One Noob »

Name: Jacov Steele
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Side: Cartelian
Piloting Style: Multirole
Personality: Aggresive, perhaps a bit too much so, a tad overconfident, and as such, likes to take risks. Lots of them. Full of national pride, willing to die for his country. Introverted and slightly selfish, able to work in a team however.
Nickname: Steele
Backstory: Born in Estovakia, fought on the side of Estovakia during the Emmeria-Estovakia war. Ended up as an unnamed member of Strigon Team, all of which was shot down defending Chandelier.
Description: 5'11" tall, dark reddish brown hair, greyish blue eyes, fair skin.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 12:49:39 AM by Gojira »

Name: Nobot Zee
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Side (Cartelian (good guys) or Nerverak (enemy)): Cartelian
Piloting Style (Air to air, air to ground, multirole (both a/a and a/g)): Air to air
Personality: Intelligent, Mature, Good sense of humor, Socially Ackward
Nickname: Nob
Description: 6'2 tall, dark brown hair, brown eyes, white skin.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 02:27:52 PM by Nobot »

Name: Jacov Steele
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Side: Cartelian
Piloting Style: Multirole
Nickname: Steele
Backstory: Born in Estovakia, fought on the side of Estovakia during the Emmeria-Estovakia war. Ended up as an unnamed member of Strigon Team, all of which was shot down defending Chandelier.

no personality lol.

Accepted. Also a mod, so what plane do you wish to have?

F-15S Silent Eagle. Basically a stealth version of the F-15 Eagle.

Name: Nobot
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Side (Cartelian (good guys) or Nerverak (enemy)): Cartelian
Piloting Style (Air to air, air to ground, multirole (both a/a and a/g)): Air to air
Personality: Intelligent, Mature, Funny
Nickname: Nob


Name: Marko Primakov
Age: 27
Gender: M
Side: Yuktobanian (Cartelian)
Piloting Style: M
Nickname: Mark
Backstory: Family of YAF pilots. recently transferred to the 86th from a Southern Yuktobanian Airbase.

« Last Edit: February 14, 2014, 06:53:29 PM by Mikoyan »

Name: Clay Perchinson
Age: 34
Gender: M
Side: Cartelian
Piloting Style: ATG
Personality: Always has an itchy trigger finger, roostery,
Nickname: ...Clay?

Accepted. You are mod, so what plane would you like?

Mirage 2000 pls. If not that then just an A-10.

Mirage 2000 pls. If not that then just an A-10.

Mirage 2000 it is.

Name: Rocky Johnsons
Age: 27
Gender: M
Side: Cartelian
Piloting Style: ATG
Personality: Young, always taking risks, very triggerhappy.
Nickname: Rocky
Backstory: Once wanted to be a famous boxer, was too short. Got drafted into the Cartelian wars and was forced into this life.

I walk around my plane, simply staring at it. How did they get the funds to requisition an F-15S Silent Eagle for me? Was I that good of a pilot? I mean, I did fight with Strigon Team, but damn...

Name: Rocky Johnsons
Age: 27
Gender: M
Side: Cartelian
Piloting Style: ATG
Personality: Young, always taking risks, very triggerhappy.
Nickname: Rocky
Backstory: Once wanted to be a famous boxer, was too short. Got drafted into the Cartelian wars and was forced into this life.
