Author Topic: Blockland Aces: The Cartelian War [On Base]  (Read 65509 times)

Come on guys, post! Poooost!

"Damn. Aren't planes just a work of art? Ma never told me that I would love a machine as much as I love my Falcon. I don't even know that, in my 27 years of living, I've loved something to the point of which I love this jet. She may not fly like a dream, but goddammit, she's a killer. Every day I perform my inspection on her without even being ordered, and there is never anything wrong because there never is to begin with. I just like looking at this thing.

I know I sound like a hopeless romantic talking to you people, but don't switch out my planes. It's really just the worst thing you can do to a man who has finally found an object of which he can love, or fall in love with. Now I wouldn't lay her down in bed on a sweet Saturday night like I would my girl Maurine back home, but I think my Falcon is doing just the job to secure this nation and golly I couldn't be happier with it.

I also know that I sound a little weird talking to you about how much I love an object made of solid metal and some other materials. It's not that odd, really. You've heard men down in Florida talk about their jets like they were their wives. And it's no different with a plane, except with a plane you can actually use it for something other than making sure the dirty pubic hairs of Earth are short and the weeds are disposed of. So please, just consider this, and hear my plea. Don't take her." I told them all this in a slow pace, kind of like a speech. It was quite interesting to see their odd reactions, and then see their faces settle towards the end. And then rise up again, for I use some pretty deep comparisons.

In the end, they didn't even try to take her. They knew it would be torture.

Jacov's concentration is broken by the squealing of the M53 turbofan as my Mirage taxied by. I wave at him, just having returned from a training mission. Marshallers guide me into place and I cut the fuel from the engine, making it slowly spool down. My navigator gets out before me, "Going to debrief. Don't be late this time" I nod my head and begin talking to the maintenance crews.

Ha, I remmember the one which died in the middle of the clock.

My first thought as Clay taxies past is "Wow, that was rude."

Also Muslim this doesn't take place IRL, Florida doesn't exist in this world.

Deoxys, add a map.

My first thought as Clay taxies past is "Wow, that was rude."

Also Muslim this doesn't take place IRL, Florida doesn't exist in this world.

Deoxys, add a map.

You know how horrible I am at making maps.

No just post a map of Strangereal from Acewiki or something

Assuming you guys are still evaluating applications.

Name: Xavier Jackson
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Side: Cartelian
Piloting Style: *Multirole
Personality: Generally quiet, keeps to himself, introverted, can get timid, shows more raw talent that absolute refined skill, prone to make mistakes at when under stress, but isn't to be underestimated. He sometimes turn grief on himself even when whatever happened might not be his fault.
Nickname: Zee (not a call sign) Tempest (Callsign)
Description: 6'2, Lanky-ish build. Brown hair, hazel eyes.

Not related to the application, is it possible to get a Mikoyan 1.44? Given that it was an experimental aircraft, you could say it has issues with mechanical failures, is temperamental, and perhaps because of its engines, consumes large amounts of fuel when not using supercruise.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 11:19:43 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

Assuming you guys are still evaluating applications.

Name: Xavier Jackson
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Side: Cartelian
Piloting Style:
Personality: Generally quiet, keeps to himself, introverted, can get timid, shows more raw talent that absolute refined skill, prone to make mistakes at when under stress, but isn't to be underestimated. He sometimes turn grief on himself even when whatever happened might not be his fault.
Nickname: Zee (not a call sign)

Not related to the application, is it possible to get a Mikoyan 1.44? Given that it was an experimental aircraft, you could say it has issues with mechanical failures, is temperamental, and perhaps because of its engines, consumes large amounts of fuel when not using supercruise.

You can choose whatever plane you want to be after the first mission. Also accepted.

After a briefing for a patrol mission, I hop into my plane, performing all the necessary checks.
"Megalith One preparing for takeoff. Requesting permission for takeoff."
"Permission granted, Megalith. Happy hunting."
I taxi to runway 35-A, and push the throttle to max. I hear the afterburners kick, and suddenly I'm pushed into the back of my seat. "Ah, never gets old," I think.
About 15 minutes into my flight, my radar picks something up.
Following protocol, I ask, "Unknown on radar, please identify." I repeat this a few times in the other two languages known to exist on the Anean continent. Suddenly, my missile warning starts to beep. I pop some chaff and a flare. The missile misses.
"stuff, five unknowns on radar. Tower, confirm hostiles on radar."
"Hostiles confirmed on radar, scrambling backup aircraft."
Loud sirens go off, and a voice comes over the intercom.
"All planes, scramble! I repeat, all planes, scramble! Hostiles inbound!"
« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 03:45:18 PM by Gojira »

I scramble and immediately take off, engaging the planes head on. I go behind one plane, and fire a missile. It hits the spot between the engines, and the engines go on fire, before exploding and sending the plane plummeting to it's doom. "One down!"

Name: Rafael Ochoa
Age: 27
Gender: M
Side (Cartelian (good guys) or Nerverak (enemy)): Cartelian
Piloting Style (Air to air, air to ground, multirole (both a/a and a/g)): ATG
Personality: Intelligent, serious, quiet, and enigmatic. Has a short temper and is reluctant to accept assistance from others, even when he needs it.
Nickname*: Tosè

Name: Rafael Ochoa
Age: 27
Gender: M
Side (Cartelian (good guys) or Nerverak (enemy)): Cartelian
Piloting Style (Air to air, air to ground, multirole (both a/a and a/g)): ATG
Personality: Intelligent, serious, quiet, and enigmatic. Has a short temper and is reluctant to accept assistance from others, even when he needs it.
Nickname*: Tosè

Accepted. Welcome back.

I run toward the hangar, helmet under my arm. As I round the corner, the deafening din of the numerous jet engines starting encourages me to place my helmet on my head. As my ears cross the threshold of the visor, the world is muffled and darkened as I lower the tinted visor over my eyes. I run toward my plane, and beckon a technician. He's at my side in seconds.

"What's the call?"
"Five hostiles, air."

I roll my eyes, and as the last plane leaves the hangar, I pull my helmet back off my head and put it back under my arm. The hangar is now deathly quiet, with only my plane and a select others still stagnating.

"No point in heading out then. I'll be awaiting a ground invasion."

I walk back toward the barracks as the technician locks the canopy on my fighter.

I barely get to debriefing when the sirens blare all over the base. My navigator turns his head towards me and we both start running for the aircraft. When we get on the ramp, the ground technicians beckon us over and we quickly climb up the ladders, situating ourselves in our seats.

With the fighters gone, the air is filled with only my engine spooling up. I sit, staring at the aircraft marshaller in front of us, waiting for our loiter point by the tower.