Author Topic: Are any of these addons known to cause continuously high CPU usage?  (Read 978 times)

I've knocked it down to using only one core for the sake of everything else that's running, hence it not being able to hit an even higher number. There's only 15,624 bricks at the time of this post, I don't think that would cause a major issue.

I've done /cancelAllEvents as well.

$AddOn__Bot_Blockhead = 1;
$AddOn__Bot_Hole = 1;
$AddOn__Bot_Horse = 1;
$AddOn__Bot_Shark = 1;
$AddOn__Bot_Zombie = 1;

$AddOn__Brick_1RandomPack = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Arch = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Checkpoint = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Christmas_Tree = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Deletion = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_DemiansBB = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_DemiansBB2 = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_DemiansBB3 = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_DetailTrees = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Doors = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_ExtraArches = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_ExtraRamps = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Fence = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_ForestTree = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Glass = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Halfbrick = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Halloween = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_InvertedCorners = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Large_Cubes = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Log = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_ModTer_BasicPack = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_ModTer_InvertedPack = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Poster_8x = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Round_Corners = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_ShortRangeMusic = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_SmallRampsPack = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Sphere = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Stairs = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Teledoor = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Treasure_Chest = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_V15 = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Wedge = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_WedgePlus = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_WedgePrint = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Window = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Window_Prints = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Zones = 1;

$AddOn__Emote_Alarm = 1;
$AddOn__Emote_Confusion = 1;
$AddOn__Emote_Hate = 1;
$AddOn__Emote_Love = 1;

$AddOn__Event_addRelativeVelocity = 1;
$AddOn__Event_Camera = 1;
$AddOn__Event_Camera_Control = 1;
$AddOn__Event_FireAtBrick = 1;
$AddOn__Event_FollowPlayer = 1;
$AddOn__Event_MessageBoxOK = 1;
$AddOn__Event_Minigame = 1;
$AddOn__Event_onAltActivate = 1;
$AddOn__Event_OnBotTouched = 1;
$AddOn__Event_onPlayerEnterVehicle = 1;
$AddOn__Event_onRapidActivate = 1;
$AddOn__Event_playSound = 1;
$AddOn__Event_Print = 1;
$AddOn__Event_PromptEvents = 1;
$AddOn__Event_setDamageFlash = 1;
$AddOn__Event_setEventTimeout = 1;
$AddOn__Event_setPlayerTransform = 1;
$AddOn__Event_SetPrintText = 1;
$AddOn__Event_SetRandomPrintNum = 1;
$AddOn__Event_Sit = 1;
$AddOn__Event_spawnHomingProjectile = 1;
$AddOn__Event_Tumble = 1;
$AddOn__Event_Variables = 1;
$AddOn__Event_Vehicle = 1;
$AddOn__Event_Zones = 1;

$AddOn__Item_Key = 1;
$AddOn__Item_Skis = 1;
$AddOn__Item_Sports = 1;

$AddOn__Light_Ambient = 1;
$AddOn__Light_Animated = 1;
$AddOn__Light_Basic = 1;
$AddOn__Light_Eksi = 1;
$AddOn__Light_Orb = 1;
$AddOn__Light_Small = 1;
$AddOn__Light_ZSNO = 1;

$AddOn__Particle_AdvancedLasers = 1;
$AddOn__Particle_Basic = 1;
$AddOn__particle_CasualBuild = 1;
$AddOn__Particle_FlowerPetals = 1;
$AddOn__particle_FoggyBuild = 1;
$AddOn__Particle_FX_Cans = 1;
$AddOn__Particle_Grass = 1;
$AddOn__Particle_Player = 1;
$AddOn__Particle_Prepper = 1;
$AddOn__Particle_Smoke = 1;
$AddOn__Particle_Tools = 1;
$AddOn__Particle_WaterColor = 1;
$AddOn__particle_WeatherBuild = 1;

$AddOn__Player_Fuel_Jet = 1;
$AddOn__Player_Jump_Jet = 1;
$AddOn__Player_Leap_Jet = 1;
$AddOn__Player_No_Jet = 1;
$AddOn__Player_Quake = 1;

$AddOn__Print_1x1_Checkered = 1;
$AddOn__Print_1x1_Default = 1;
$AddOn__Print_1x1f_DefaultPlus = 1;
$AddOn__Print_1x1f_DemiansArrows = 1;
$AddOn__Print_1x1f_v9buttons = 1;
$AddOn__Print_1x2f_BLPRemote = 1;
$AddOn__Print_1x2f_Default = 1;
$AddOn__Print_1x2f_DefaultPlus = 1;
$AddOn__Print_1x2f_ExtendedBlanks = 1;
$AddOn__Print_2x2f_Checkered = 1;
$AddOn__Print_2x2f_Default = 1;
$AddOn__Print_2x2f_ExtendedBlanks = 1;
$AddOn__Print_2x2f_MiniRoads = 1;
$AddOn__Print_2x2f_MoreDefault = 1;
$AddOn__Print_2x2r_Checkered = 1;
$AddOn__Print_2x2r_Default = 1;
$AddOn__Print_2x2r_Monitor3 = 1;
$AddOn__Print_2x2r_MoreDefault = 1;

$AddOn__Print_Letters_Default = 1;
$AddOn__Print_Letters_Extra = 1;
$AddOn__Print_ModTer_Default = 1;
$AddOn__Print_Poster_Tutorial = 1;

$AddOn__Projectile_GravityRocket = 1;
$AddOn__Projectile_Pinball = 1;
$AddOn__Projectile_Pong = 1;
$AddOn__Projectile_Radio_Wave = 1;

(not any of these, I've double checked my stuff to make sure)
$AddOn__Server_ArcadeSupport = 1;
$AddOn__Server_Eval = 1;
$AddOn__Server_MPDNotif = 1;
$AddOn__Server_RemoteSupport = 1;
$AddOn__Server_Whitelist = 1;

$AddOn__Sound_Access = 1;
$AddOn__Sound_BANSounds = 1;
$AddOn__Sound_Bass = 1;
$AddOn__Sound_Beeps = 1;
$AddOn__Sound_Blockland = 1;
$AddOn__Sound_ButtonPack = 1;
$AddOn__Sound_Cash_Register = 1;
$AddOn__Sound_ClockDASHTicks = 1;
$AddOn__Sound_GameOverYeah = 1;
$AddOn__Sound_Generic = 1;
$AddOn__Sound_Phone = 1;
$AddOn__Sound_Synth4 = 1;
$AddOn__Sound_UGNSounds = 1;

$AddOn__Support_Doors = 1;

$AddOn__Tool_BricknameGun = 1;
$AddOn__Tool_BrickSelector = 1;
$AddOn__Tool_Duplicator = 1;
$AddOn__Tool_Fill_Can = 1;
$AddOn__Tool_Fill_Printer = 1;
$AddOn__Tool_RPG = 1;
$AddOn__Tool_WaterFX = 1;

$AddOn__Vehicle_Ball = 1;
$AddOn__Vehicle_Flying_Wheeled_Jeep = 1;
$AddOn__Vehicle_Horse = 1;
$AddOn__Vehicle_Jeep = 1;
$AddOn__Vehicle_Magic_Carpet = 1;
$AddOn__Vehicle_Pirate_Cannon = 1;
$AddOn__Vehicle_Rowboat = 1;
$AddOn__Vehicle_Tank = 1;

$AddOn__Weapon_Bow = 1;
$AddOn__Weapon_Gun = 1;
$AddOn__Weapon_Guns_Akimbo = 1;
$AddOn__Weapon_Horse_Ray = 1;
$AddOn__Weapon_Push_Broom = 1;
$AddOn__Weapon_Rocket_Launcher = 1;
$AddOn__Weapon_Spear = 1;
$AddOn__Weapon_Sword = 1;

Well, there's a few things you can do to debug this problem.

Try just enabling the defaults and see if you get the problem. If not, you can eliminate any of the default mods on that list and also narrow it down to a problem with a mod and not with your system.

You can also try looking for lots of console errors (I assume you would have noticed this though).

You can also try typing trace(1); when seemingly nothing is happening on the server and see what functions the console says is being ran. trace(0); to turn it off

From that list it seems most everything is default except for the bricks and events. Im not really sure how /cancelAllEvents works (I assume that it would cancel all events but I've had problems with the cancelEvents event not cancelling events on bricks sometimes so idk).
I would point to Event_Zones just from personal experience with it causing problems on my server but there was an update so I cannot speak for the mod now. It would also do things even when there were no Zone events but there were zones.
There's a few others on your event list that may cause the problem but I just can't pick out which one and it'd be easier to narrow it down using one of the above methods.

Would shaders also contribute to the problem?
TheBlackParrot usually hosts dedicated servers.

His server never has ping

So it gets progressively worse as time goes on, up to the point where it's just beyond ridiculous.

As soon as I can find what's doing it, I'll be sure to mention it.

please dont tell me you have soft shaders

please dont tell me you have soft shaders
does it look like i'm trying to run the actual game at all to you

does it look like i'm trying to run the actual game at all to you
im just wondering if you have it or not

Looks like it's zone bricks and zone events.

Looks like it's zone bricks and zone events.
do they spam your console too or is it just me

do they spam your console too or is it just me
They never spammed mine

Jesus Christ.

Uh, what are the zone events doing that's causing the high resource usage?