Author Topic: ما هو اللغة المفضلة لديك؟  (Read 11194 times)

Я люблю русский язык! Ибо родины да?

Japanese is beautiful when sang along with other instruments like gameboys

if i were in charge of japan everyone would write everything in katakana because it looks so good




nonsensical garbage, but looks absolutely fantastic!


we get it, you're a massive weeaboo who doesn't know how to do anything but keyboard mash in microsoft ime
do you want a bloody cookie or something

Ew, object-oriented languages.
You think object-oriented programming is "ew"? *facepalm*

You think object-oriented programming is "ew"? *facepalm*
get a load of this guy

we get it, you're a massive weeaboo who doesn't know how to do anything but keyboard mash in microsoft ime
do you want a bloody cookie or something
look what he quoted

Whoa, the title and numbers are inverted in the topic list...

get a load of this guy
You understand you wouldn't have most games without it right? It is a bitch, but it is needed.

we get it, you're a massive weeaboo who doesn't know how to do anything but keyboard mash in microsoft ime
do you want a bloody cookie or something

can you go suck someone else's richard for change or something

i typed two sentences in complete katakana to show that it looks excellent but complete garbage

"your idea is evil, this is stuff"

"you're gay because you like richards"

try harder

English is my favorite language. The rest of 'em are merely ordered for what is my least favorite language.