Author Topic: TAB not working.  (Read 580 times)

Code: [Select]
function servercmdgetCubeTriggerList(%client){
for(%i =0; %i<%client.triggerCount; %i++){
%tag = "Trigger" SPC %i;
commandtoclient(%client,'updateCubeGUI',"CubeTriggerList","listRow",%client,%tag TAB %client.trigger[%i+1].maxCubes);

Code: [Select]
function servercmdgetCubeTriggerList(%client){
for(%i =0; %i<%client.triggerCount; %i++){
%tag = "Trigger" SPC %i %tag TAB %client.trigger[%i+1].maxCubes; commandtoclient(%client,'updateCubeGUI',"CubeTriggerList","listRow",%client,%tag);

The bit after TAB doesn't show up in the gui.

In the GuiTextListCtrl you need to specify the columns (where the next text goes after a tab).
Eg (from the server list gui):
0 34 65 340 385 404 415 445 510