Author Topic: The stuffty Superpower Game  (Read 27925 times)

...covered in horse stuff.

I have the ability to use keyboard shortcuts in real life.

The only one you can use is alt+f4

Ability to see sounds

sounds emit horrifyingly disturbing images

the ability to have undamagable bones or muscles

They are made of pure metal, making you immobilized

I have invisibility!

Upon the creation of your power, the sense of sight is suddenly replaced (in all living beings) with amplified senses of smell, sound, and touch. Invisibility is now useless.

The power to fix horrible stufftifications of superpowers.

It ends up getting stufftified itself

I have the power to get my crush to fall in love with me

You fall in love with a boulder that crushed you

I have the power to make other peoples superpowers stuffty

...But only if you pay 19,99 a month!

I have the power to turn anything pink.

Anything pink autoreverts to it's original color
The ability to kill anyone I please.

it doesn't work

power to know what time it is whenever and wherever

You get to know the time on Mars.

The ability to run very fast.

You can't stop.
♪ "Rolling around at the speeeeed of souuuund!" ♪

The ability to do nothing
« Last Edit: January 08, 2014, 08:09:21 PM by TristanLuigi »

Literally nothing. You die two minutes later due to a lack of oxygen.

The ability to punch through a brick wall.

But only with your face.

The ability to fly.

You can only fly 6 feet off the ground.

The ability to stuff money.