Author Topic: The stuffty Superpower Game  (Read 29768 times)

Your combustion is bad for the environment and has been outlawed in all parts of the world.

The amazing ability to swim in air.

You drown if you stay in the air too long without going in water.

the power to grow wings and fly.


you look like flatflyer's avatar

the ability to finish whatever you're working on in a second

The final product of whatever you were working on is incredibly low in quality.

The ability to keep the government from controlling the damn Internet.

Government installs a camera into everybody's toilet.

The ability to explode and reconstruct at will, without damaging anything.

You reconstruct into a different thing every time.

error 404 Super power not found. Generating power......
You have the ability to produce low quality everything.
The ability to run at mach 10 with no bodily damage.

You suffer severe brain damage from not being able to comprehend what goes on around you at that speed.

The ability to turn objects into coins at will.

Said coins are welded together in the shape and size of the object. They are part of a currency system that won't exist for thousands of years.

The ability to switch into and out of Surgeon Simulator-esque movement, allowing any object to be lifted without harm to anyone but any medical patients that might be around.

Except you have to use your non dominant hand while it's numb.

The ability to drink beer and not get intoxicated.

you don't realize your limits and still die from alcohol poisoning.

The ability to not have an ability.

You essentially become a lobotomy patient.

The ability to JPEG any image.

But it doesn't work on PNG files

The ability to sit everywhere I want!

You soon forget you have this ability

The ability to make myself cute to everyone