Author Topic: Youtube changed again.  (Read 1445 times)

And there's a dropdown menu too.

hey it actually doesn't look like stuff

They should let you choose custom tabs at the top. To lead to certain channels and such.

I had that layout a while ago, but it changed back to the original layout randomly one day.

YouTube if you want to push a change, just loving push it, jesus.

lol the layout changes seem to change randomly at different times for everyone

i want to walk to youtube hq and ask them why they change the layout so much

i want to walk to youtube hq and ask them why they change the layout so much
i don't think they're changing that often, i think you're just somehow not getting the update until now
i mean i've had this layout for a while

i want to walk to youtube hq and ask them why they change the layout so much
"We are a well designed and creative company of Google and we love reading requests! Google wants us to make a socially-interactive website that pushes it a little too much on their Google +.

sorry guys it's google doing this"

Mine's looked like this for a week or two now.