Author Topic: Gaming Pc Parts Someday...  (Read 3424 times)

No title's for the parts and the hard drive has all my stuff so if i get the parts i will install the hard drive from my old gaming pc that- well you don't know oh well
SDD - Raiding 2 of them to make it Nega Fast:

CPU Fan - Without it, my CPU would catch on fire:

DVD Drive - Need it for adding old games from 1997:

Graphics - Need for HDMI, Have a DVI Gigabyte one from 2012 but this one is prob. better:

Headset - For communicating in Voice Chatting games and Skype (Have no skype yet but when Im 18 i will):

Keyboard - 360 n0sc0peeez keyboarrd:

Mouse - know the name, Madcatz M.O.U.S 9, has presicie aiming for MLG:

Power Supply - Needs it for powering my PC, important if you want to turn it on:

Soundcard - THX IS TOO LOUD- earbleeded:

Webcam - To communicate via face:

Case - Futureisteeekz:

CPU - The most important thing if you want to make your PC work:

Memory - If I want extended graphics and more workings, must use it:

MotherBoard - To make everything OK (EDIT: The other one was AMD and the motherboard was Intel so I had to find a Intel Board):

Hard Drive - I have one allready! Not posting pic because its a WD Green 1TB hard drive:

So thats my next dream PC.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2014, 03:06:33 AM by DoalerNeverGivesUp »

you dont need a soundcard

>intel processor
>amd motherboard
what the forget

what the forget

>intel ssd's
what the forget

op is a friend

(Have no skype yet but when Im 18 i will):

no one else caught this??

this is fascinating

buy all these exact parts and try it out

but if you don't want hdmi don't get the graphics card. if you don't want extended graphics don't get ram.

this is fascinating

buy all these exact parts and try it out

but if you don't want hdmi don't get the graphics card. if you don't want extended graphics don't get ram.

its so weird though my motherboard has an HDMI out

like who the hell does HD stuff on integrated graphics

he never gives up
Doaler4sBack was banned on the BL fourms for 2 weeks for going away. Now He never gives up. I Doaler4sback, never gives up.
this sounds like a cheesy movie trailer

most of the high end mobos dont even HAVE pci anymore. thus sound card is no more.

id also like to point out that mouse looks terrible

that mouse looks like a piece of stuff

most of the high end mobos dont even HAVE pci anymore. thus sound card is no more.

No, this is inaccurate, they have support for PCI expansion cards

Edit:  They are used sometimes for video production as well using capture cards with BNC input through PCI

That will capture 4k resolutions
« Last Edit: January 10, 2014, 11:20:07 PM by suburb »

im a fan of mobos with built in wifi.

its a nice option to have

No, this is inaccurate, they have support for PCI expansion cards

yeah i was thinking of the x99 chipset i been planning on.
they phasing out pci for good.

but yeah its still on boards to buy right now