Author Topic: MARBLE MAN is out  (Read 69990 times)


  • Administrator
MARBLE MAN has engaged in an habitual pattern of abuse:  

1. Deliberately reposting an add-on that he knew had code injection vulnerabilities, possibly so he could exploit them.  (thread deleted)
2. Creating and abusing an advanced impersonation script
3. Abusing admin/eval to add tcp backdoors to servers
   - My "I told you so" post
4. Automatically banning people for their ID number

There is probably more, but this is enough.  I am deactivating his keys and will deactivate him again on sight.  Unfortunately, marble man is another one of these clowns who has access to 10 keys for some reason.  Here's a recap of his keys that have already been deactivated:

  • 10103 - deactivated for impersonation script, cciamlazy association
  • 29135 - compromised key, reported by nobot
  • 39712 - deactivated for spamming/flooding servers, purchased by marble, given to dotdotcircle
  • 42809 - bogus purchase, bug in amazon purchase handling

And here's the new deactivations:

  • 10188
  • 39714
  • 40363 - Note: Used by forum account Titanium Man, banned 6 times
  • 41810
  • 43420 - Primary "MARBLE MAN" account, associated with this steam profile
  • 43421

All of these have multiple connections to him via payment info, IP usage, etc.  I'm sure some of them are his friends of family members, but keys have to be considered compromised.

Given his dedication to the craft of being an ass on the internet, this probably isn't over.

Expect retaliation in the following forms:
  • Spam / Flooding
  • Malicious add-ons - either with back doors or that provide abusive features (or both!)
  • Social engineering attacks - He associates with people who are known to conduct phishing attacks.  He has exploited people's trust to plant back doors in their server.  He'll have no moral issue with this kind of attack.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2014, 10:25:21 PM by Badspot »

why is banning based on id bannable?

I didn't know that MARBLE MAN did this, thanks for the information Badspot

why is banning based on id bannable?
its like when someone made that one script where it kicked someone for saving bricks.
its a part of the game, why would you be kicked for it if its completely allowed

On my friends city RPG he was exploiting for tons a money then giving handouts.

Then when he was perma banned he posted the ban in the Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes thread haha

He has over 10 keys? He said in his server he has bit less then that

why is banning based on id bannable?

because new players get a very quick and bad reception of the game if/when they are banned for basically no reason.

its bad enough when steam forums, youtube comments, other such places have  people saying how bad the community is. when its not even close to the majority. it only takes 1 hour and 1 server for a person to hate a game.

10 keys wtf

that's enough for a steak dinner

christ. It's sad when you think you know someone, and then they do stuff like this.

why is banning based on id bannable?
It's one thing to ban based on ID.

It's another thing to post a screenshot of you doing it.

I know the final straw was reasonable, and I could imagine Marble making an autokicker, but do we know if it actually kicks players, or just displays a chat message to piss off 2ks?

christ. It's sad when you think you know someone, and then they do stuff like this.

if you werent aware of even half of the stuff listed in the OP, then you did not know him.
this didnt suddenly happen

Glad this has finally been done. People who put backdoors in their addons don't deserve to play games like this.

Glad this has finally been done. People who put backdoors in their addons don't deserve to play games at all.

if you werent aware of even half of the stuff listed in the OP, then you did not know him.
this didnt suddenly happen
sorry bisjac, i failed you :(