Author Topic: Running BL from a flash drive.  (Read 695 times)

Ok, what i did is this:
I downloaded this
and extracted it to my flash drive. After that I clicked "RunMe.bat" but an error message popped saying this:
Windows cannot find H:\Blockland\RunMe.bat'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
So I thought something might be wrong with the flash drive, so I tried installing it into a folder on my desktop. The same thing happened.

What do I do to fix this problem? I am running Windows 7 32 bit if that makes a difference.

What drive letter is your flash drive?

You unzipped it right?

Yes I extracted it into the folder I want to install it in.
I opened up the .bat file and got this
Code: [Select]
start BlocklandLauncher.exe -profilePath .

I think You need to use Blockland Portable.

I just tested the "Blockland Portable" thing that you linked to and it worked fine.

is the folder read-only
if it is make it not read-only

is the folder read-only
if it is make it not read-only
You sure? As it is it's only got the launcher and the bat file in it. I'll try tho.

NOEDIT: Yeah nothing changed. once again even though I can see the file in the folder, windows cannot find "RunMe.bat"

I fixed my problem. To run the batch file I just had to use the CMD and type "H:\Blockland\RunMe.bat" because windows explorer decided to suck at its job. After that I found out the batch file had this in it
Code: [Select]
start BlocklandLauncher.exe -profilePath .It should have had
Code: [Select]
start H:\Blockland\BlocklandLauncher.exe -profilePath .So I rewrote it and it worked. Yey.