Author Topic: getting this pm by idle  (Read 1551 times)

i never want a message from otis-escaped-from-area-51

Idk why you guys keep forgetting that it's otis...
NO! Its... Its... Its... Pause for effect...

NO! Its... Its... Its... Pause for effect...

They are coming. They are hungry

I wish I could PM, It would be fun to message Idle.

Forgot to link this. Only message I've gotten from Idle.

A Crunchy Roll pass which I used and enjoyed very much so. Thanks again Idle.

NO! Its... Its... Its... Pause for effect...

That's no moon...

Idle and I request a PM?

I think someone will pm me if they have a big richard.

I'd love for Idle to message me because I have 249 PMs and that's really making me mad
Like just get to 250 and I'll be fine but eugh is that odd number looking really weird

I'd love for Idle to message me because I have 249 PMs and that's really making me mad
Like just get to 250 and I'll be fine but eugh is that odd number looking really weird

etsh perfect