Author Topic: Someone makes and releases 114 small, easy mods? GREAT MODDER!  (Read 8306 times)

I'm sorry but what is this. You literally made a drama thread just to show how much better you are at coding than MARBLE MAN, who is already gone. The only goal of this thread is an ego-boost for you.
lol he wasnt even discreet about it. come on xalos.

As someone who knows absolutely nothing about coding or any of that, this topic is difficult to understand for me.

As someone who knows absolutely nothing about coding or any of that, this topic is difficult to understand for me.
The issue that OP has with MARBLE MAN's mods is that they're recycled code from his older mods, not only that but it's recycled unoptimized garbage code.  The OP then continues to make the case that the code can be written with less clutter (which is a very good thing to do in coding, making less hoops for the game to jump through and also tidying up your work), and brings up the point that Blockland needs every bit of optimization it can get from add-ons that users make:
... it's not like we're using an engine where every optimization a mod makes counts, right?

I hope it clears it up for you, because I'm not a coder or anything either, but it doesn't seem like this is a super-pointy drama written with serious hatred.

As someone who knows absolutely nothing about coding or any of that, this topic is difficult to understand for me.
Imagine a strange world where all car engines were unique and hand made by a single individual. Now think of an apprentice who is new to creating engines and inefficiently routes pipes containing gas fumes around the system when it isn't necessary. His engines would still work but they wouldn't be made very well. In this same world also imagine a separate person who thinks that he's hot stuff at building engines and is also an starfish who is avoided by many. Someone who probably doesn't know anything about engines comes along and tries to make him mad by saying that the apprentice builds better engines than he. Mortified because he's insecure about himself, he goes and picks apart the apprentice's designs to find flaws that he can point out to everyone else to make it seem like he's better than the apprentice.

This is the environment in which the topic was created. Xalos seemingly is trying to gain reputation but has ended up looking like a joke. The dichotomy between how Xalos seemingly sees himself and how he actually acts is quite hilarious.

Imagine a strange world where all car engines were unique and hand made by a single individual. Now think of an apprentice who is new to creating engines and inefficiently routes pipes containing gas fumes around the system when it isn't necessary. His engines would still work but they wouldn't be made very well. In this same world also imagine a separate person who thinks that he's hot stuff at building engines and is also an starfish who is avoided by many. Someone who probably doesn't know anything about engines comes along and tries to make him mad by saying that the apprentice builds better engines than he. Mortified because he's insecure about himself, he goes and picks apart the apprentice's designs to find flaws that he can point out to everyone else to make it seem like he's better than the apprentice.

This is the environment in which the topic was created. Xalos seemingly is trying to gain reputation but has ended up looking like a joke. The dichotomy between how Xalos seemingly sees himself and how he actually acts is quite hilarious.
i wasn't aware of xalos being a coder, much less a pissy stuffty coder

so both xalos and marbleman are pissy, stuffty coders?

so both xalos and marbleman are pissy, stuffty coders?
That is correct.

This isn't a problem for such small scripts. If it ranked in the tens of thousands of add-ons running at once with that 'poor' optimization sure you could encounter a few insignificant performance issues.

Also fewer lines does not mean better optimization.

Seriously, do you even realize how fundamental a for loop is? If you make it so that a for loop can't be created, you have made a computer NOT BE TURING COMPLETE. Shut the forget up and get the forget out.
Scheme/Racket only uses recursion, and I'm absolutely certain it's Turing complete.

To Ono-Sendai, who seems to be aggressively flaming me because I'm "insecure" about my "abilities" or some stuff:

The entire loving community sans a small group of sane individuals sung the praises of MARBLE MAN, up to and AFTER he impersonated Badspot on his server, apparently causing enough damage to the master server that Badspot noticed within MINUTES.

Then Badspot finally gets sick of his CONTINUING to break/damage the game, and key revokes him FOR A SECOND TIME, and there are people WHO WANT MARBLE BACK. I guarantee you that if I were to release a mod that fixed all vehicle physics with zero bugs and were then key revoked for some other stuff, there would be no one deluded enough to try to get Badspot to unrevoke me. WHICH IS THE WAY THINGS SHOULD BE.

I'm not insecure about stuff. I'm bitter. That's the 'environment' in which this topic was created.

I'm not flaming you, I'm just being very candid. I guess it's something you can't really handle right now. It was also clear that MARBLE MAN obtained everything he knew about impersonating Badspot from Computermix, both of whom openly admitted it. Honestly reading the above post, I feel bad for you. It's clear that you're so resentful because you lack attention. I can tell you right now it's because of how you act. Throwing a tantrum does not help your case but rather makes a mockery of yourself. It's starting to be quite clear why your name only showed up two times in this topic. This topic is pointless, though that isn't so say that I don't care about it. For a purported 18 year old it's very apparent that you're lacking in maturity and self control.

All of your posts in this thread have been petty posts about formatting and such stuff that nobody cares about.
You are insecure as balls, and butthurt beyond belief.

i remember finding a add-on he posted that makes your avatar be upside down in the avatar maker
even though could already do that...

i agree completely that marble doesn't deserve all the praise he gets but it looks like the weird recursiveness was intentional to avoid issues with deleting too many things at once lol

that is a legitimate solution to such a problem, though it's not the way i'd go about it

there's no way to pause a tick on a for loop, so you have to do something like this