Author Topic: God Damn it, Aviv is back  (Read 7626 times)

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« Last Edit: November 14, 2007, 05:09:18 PM by Badspot »

Careful what you wish for.  :iceCream:

you guys are such a downers :(

Careful what you wish for.�  :iceCream:

I'm quite serious actually

I'm with Bacon on this one, Aviv should know that he isn't really liked here.

Welcome back Aviv, how you been?

so whats bacon got against aviv?

......well anything personal i should say? not like everyone don't hate aviv

Ban me

User was banned for this post

« Last Edit: November 15, 2007, 03:34:47 PM by Colten »

Careful what you wish for.  :iceCream:

I'm quite serious actually

Why would you want to be banned because someone is Un-banned? That's just stupid, learn to be tolerant.

Wow, almost only two hateful comments..
I have misjudged you guys, this community pwns :D