God Damn it, Aviv is back

Author Topic: God Damn it, Aviv is back  (Read 7628 times)

Ban me

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: November 14, 2007, 05:09:18 PM by Badspot »

Careful what you wish for.  :iceCream:

you guys are such a downers :(

I'm with Bacon on this one, Aviv should know that he isn't really liked here.

Welcome back Aviv, how you been?

so whats bacon got against aviv?

......well anything personal i should say? not like everyone don't hate aviv

Ban me

User was banned for this post

« Last Edit: November 15, 2007, 03:34:47 PM by Colten »

Careful what you wish for.  :iceCream:

I'm quite serious actually

Why would you want to be banned because someone is Un-banned? That's just stupid, learn to be tolerant.

Wow, almost only two hateful comments..
I have misjudged you guys, this community pwns :D