Author Topic: Sochi Mayor Says: "There are no gay people in the city"  (Read 13375 times)

stop getting your information from /pol/ comr4de that place is for entertainment only
Russia fights for our safety, Russia fights evil Chechnya that bombed our marathon, Russia is life, Russia is law. Putin is our glorious leader, savior, and comrade.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 08:26:32 PM by Harm94 »

Cool. Is that image supposed to be broken or..?

everyone knows that /cm/ is the only board where you can actually learn things
/cm/ taught me a lot about the political climate in taiwan


Fun fact: these laws came into being after an LGBT protestor showed up at a parade honoring Russia's airborne infantry, the VDV. He started shouting about LGBT rights and stuff until a bunch of VDV started kicking the stuff out of him. The cops had to pull the troops off of him.

Russian people actually hate gay people. There is no propaganda here. This is legitimately what they believe. The fact that people in the US are so mad about their "intolerance" is cruel irony.
gay people can just be as intolerant as the latter
and tbh gay pride parades are the stupidest loving thing ever
what a great way to show off what 100% of gays are like (sarcasm durrhurr); being flamboyant friends in underwear

quite honestly i dont blame corp if his only exposure of gay people was of people like emo freak and the like, but the truth is that those kind of people are the minority and he should really reconsider his stance on the issue
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 09:15:40 PM by Frankie² »

It's like a giant brawl on this thread and I am about to belly flop right in, so here are my thoughts for the heck of it because the conversation is relevant and I've been wanting to talk about it. And what better community to submit this to than the Blockland community?:

I find it really hard to truly hate people. However, I have a few problems with the "LGBT" community.

Their ribbon color:
I did a research project for school one time on colorectal cancer. We were to make a poster, and I decided to include a picture of the ribbon for it (blue star-shaped ribbon, by the way). I found a neat website that listed all the diseases that each ribbon represents, and it was interesting to read through all of them. However, I came across the rainbow ribbon, which exclusively represented gay rights. This irked me quite a bit, because who gave them the right to claim a pretty special ribbon color just for themselves? Now we can't see the phenomenon of a rainbow or even the color scheme without being reminded of something we don't support. And by using a symbol usually reserved for diseases or societal problems, are they actually calling themselves a problem or, dare I say, disease?

The propaganda:
People accuse the churches and other groups of preaching to hate gays (my church doesn't teach this. In short, we are told to ignore them) but I have seen so much preaching of a different sort from the gays. It is everywhere, have you even seen those "when you say gay, do you realize what you say?" commercials? They play on Nickelodeon two at a time, back-to-back for some reason. My school has a Gay-Straight Alliance, and every year they host a "day of silence" where if you are LGBT or a supporter, you wear a little rainbow ribbon and remain silent for the entire designated day. "Fine," I think, "let them have their day of silence," because most of the time you can't get them to shut up.

The transparency:
Probably my biggest reason why I find no reason to support them.

It's all so fake, this movement. You look at all the advertisements, the protests, and it seems so forced and dysfunctional. The gays themselves, they way they talk, the way they carry themselves about and get some strange euphoria from their "pride". Has anyone noticed that all LGBT of the same type talk almost the same way? It just sounds so fake because I, being straight as an iron rod, could easily and quite suddenly make everyone think I was gay simply by talking and acting a different way without saying I was gay or acting attracted to any other guys. Some weeks ago, I encountered what I thought was an unsightly girl working at the Gamestop at the Columbia Mall (yes, the one with the recent shooting). I proceeded to browse through the games like any teenager without any money. "Can I help you?" said a male voice behind me . I turned around and found myself facing what turned out to actually be a guy who had had work done on certain parts of his body. "No thanks" I said, not quite stopping the motion of turning around. First, it was disturbing. Second, as soon as I realized who it was, the female identification left my mind immediately. No longer was it or ever had been a guy-legally-turned-girl, he was now just a guy who had done something frankly horrible to himself. It was sad, really. The facade is made of paper.

I wish not to have this sound like a rant, and I believe that I managed to meet that goal. So if you have managed to read this, thanks for taking the time, I really needed to get that out of my system. Again, I don't hate the gays, only what they do.

who gave them the right to claim a pretty special ribbon color just for themselves?
stopped reading here
you are not intelligent enough to make any real contributions to this thread

I don't have a problem putting legal sanctions on the people who literally display their loveuality as strongly as the blinding light from a nuclear test site just to be edgy and overly offensive to those who are uncomfortable with abnormal loveual deviancy (I'm pretty sure homoloveuality is still in the minority these days). These laws, maybe not so nice.

If I can tell that a guy is homoloveual from 5 miles away and from his obviously unironic forced manner of speaking, I won't feel sorry for the social backlash he receives.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 09:57:12 PM by Dodger »

I don't have a problem putting legal sanctions on the people who literally display their loveuality as strongly as the blinding light from a nuclear test site just to be edgy and overly offensive to those who are uncomfortable with abnormal loveual deviancy (I'm pretty sure homoloveuality is still in the minority these days). These laws, maybe not so nice.

If I can tell that a guy is homoloveual from 5 miles away and from his obviously unironic forced manner of speaking, I won't feel sorry for the social backlash he receives.
pretty much how i feel

stopped reading here
you are not intelligent enough to make any real contributions to this thread

You read no more than a quarter of the entire post. But hey, I respect your completely mature, justified, and well-formatted response.

Cool. Is that image supposed to be broken or..?
government, nato sabotaged my image

It's like a giant brawl on this thread and I am about to belly flop right in, so here are my thoughts for the heck of it because the conversation is relevant and I've been wanting to talk about it. And what better community to submit this to than the Blockland community?:

I find it really hard to truly hate people. However, I have a few problems with the "LGBT" community.

Their ribbon color:
I did a research project for school one time on colorectal cancer. We were to make a poster, and I decided to include a picture of the ribbon for it (blue star-shaped ribbon, by the way). I found a neat website that listed all the diseases that each ribbon represents, and it was interesting to read through all of them. However, I came across the rainbow ribbon, which exclusively represented gay rights. This irked me quite a bit, because who gave them the right to claim a pretty special ribbon color just for themselves? Now we can't see the phenomenon of a rainbow or even the color scheme without being reminded of something we don't support. And by using a symbol usually reserved for diseases or societal problems, are they actually calling themselves a problem or, dare I say, disease?

The propaganda:
People accuse the churches and other groups of preaching to hate gays (my church doesn't teach this. In short, we are told to ignore them) but I have seen so much preaching of a different sort from the gays. It is everywhere, have you even seen those "when you say gay, do you realize what you say?" commercials? They play on Nickelodeon two at a time, back-to-back for some reason. My school has a Gay-Straight Alliance, and every year they host a "day of silence" where if you are LGBT or a supporter, you wear a little rainbow ribbon and remain silent for the entire designated day. "Fine," I think, "let them have their day of silence," because most of the time you can't get them to shut up.

The transparency:
Probably my biggest reason why I find no reason to support them.

It's all so fake, this movement. You look at all the advertisements, the protests, and it seems so forced and dysfunctional. The gays themselves, they way they talk, the way they carry themselves about and get some strange euphoria from their "pride". Has anyone noticed that all LGBT of the same type talk almost the same way? It just sounds so fake because I, being straight as an iron rod, could easily and quite suddenly make everyone think I was gay simply by talking and acting a different way without saying I was gay or acting attracted to any other guys. Some weeks ago, I encountered what I thought was an unsightly girl working at the Gamestop at the Columbia Mall (yes, the one with the recent shooting). I proceeded to browse through the games like any teenager without any money. "Can I help you?" said a male voice behind me . I turned around and found myself facing what turned out to actually be a guy who had had work done on certain parts of his body. "No thanks" I said, not quite stopping the motion of turning around. First, it was disturbing. Second, as soon as I realized who it was, the female identification left my mind immediately. No longer was it or ever had been a guy-legally-turned-girl, he was now just a guy who had done something frankly horrible to himself. It was sad, really. The facade is made of paper.

I wish not to have this sound like a rant, and I believe that I managed to meet that goal. So if you have managed to read this, thanks for taking the time, I really needed to get that out of my system. Again, I don't hate the gays, only what they do.

oh my god


I'm going to dissect this tomorrow when I actually have time, because there's no way you can be serious.

Take off that fedora; it's brainwashing you. There's no such thing as gay propaganda and there never will be.

idc if you're trolling because there are people out there who think exactly the way you do and it scares me

You read no more than a quarter of the entire post. But hey, I respect your completely mature, justified, and well-formatted response.
You literally questioned why they chose a ribbon color.

A ribbon color.

If you had any credible argument after that it'd be impossible to get past without all of the laughing.

There is such a thing as indoctrination where you teach your beliefs your children and they grow up and teaching those beliefs to their kids. I believe that people should hear both sides and decide what they should believe. Not the beliefs that the majority accepts, not the beliefs a minority accepts, but the beliefs that they have decided are right. Even if you disagree with the beliefs or opinions of others, but it is part of being a free society. My belief is that the lgbt community is deserving of right, but that is not because those believes are widely accepted or taught to be. I believe that because I weighed both arguments and chose what I think is right.

I'm going to dissect this tomorrow when I actually have time, because there's no way you can be serious.

I'll try to cover you, but you'll probably do a better job at it than me

Their ribbon color:



I did a research project for school one time on colorectal cancer. We were to make a poster, and I decided to include a picture of the ribbon for it (blue star-shaped ribbon, by the way). I found a neat website that listed all the diseases that each ribbon represents, and it was interesting to read through all of them. However, I came across the rainbow ribbon, which exclusively represented gay rights. This irked me quite a bit, because who gave them the right to claim a pretty special ribbon color just for themselves?

are you loving SERIOUS
well who gave the diseases rights to claim a pretty special ribbon color just for themselves?
Why should we have pretty special ribbons for terrible things like diseases and not happy things?
Why should things even have pretty special ribbons? Because it is a quick way to get a message across about something.
it doesn't have to be a ribbon but ribbons have come to represent issues that need awareness

Now we can't see the phenomenon of a rainbow or even the color scheme without being reminded of something we don't support.

what the forget

that's like saying that because you saw breast cancer ribbons now you can't play Kirby without thinking about breast cancer
or that because you saw colorectal cancer ribbons now you can't go swimming without thinking about colorectal cancer
or that because you saw blood now you can't play Kirby without thinking about blood
or that because you saw a guy with long hair now you can't look at girls with long hair without thinking about guys with long hair
or that because you saw a dog viciously attack someone now you can't look at even the tiniest dogs without thinking about someone being viciously attacked
i could do this all day...

And by using a symbol usually reserved for diseases or societal problems, are they actually calling themselves a problem or, dare I say, disease?

no, because it's just for awareness of an issue

The propaganda:


People accuse the churches and other groups of preaching to hate gays (my church doesn't teach this. In short, we are told to ignore them)

well the problem is that many religious people are conservative, therefore most churches are actually preaching words to that effect
Or maybe it's not said in the church, but out of it by a member of it.

but I have seen so much preaching of a different sort from the gays. It is everywhere, have you even seen those "when you say gay, do you realize what you say?" commercials? They play on Nickelodeon two at a time, back-to-back for some reason.

actually, I have not
can you also tell us what your problem with the commercial is?
I assume "preaching" but maybe not, because then that means you hate every commercial, and indeed, anything trying to get a point across

My school has a Gay-Straight Alliance, and every year they host a "day of silence" where if you are LGBT or a supporter, you wear a little rainbow ribbon and remain silent for the entire designated day.

...okay? Do you have some kind of problem with this too?

"Fine," I think, "let them have their day of silence," because most of the time you can't get them to shut up.

i bet you would probably not say this for most other "day/moment of silence"-type things

The transparency:

what the forget
if this is a public issue how do you go about being opaque about things

Probably my biggest reason why I find no reason to support them.

It's all so fake, this movement. You look at all the advertisements, the protests, and it seems so forced and dysfunctional. The gays themselves, they way they talk, the way they carry themselves about and get some strange
euphoria from their "pride".

it's okay to be takei
acting normal never put anyone in the news for the most part

Has anyone noticed that all LGBT of the same type talk almost the same way?
(probably because they don't)

It just sounds so fake because I, being straight as an iron rod, could easily and quite suddenly make everyone think I was gay simply by talking and acting a different way without saying I was gay or acting attracted to any other guys.

you must live around gullible people
I mean if you put on a fake British accent nobody and change a few of your behaviors, you won't fool anyone

Some weeks ago, I encountered what I thought was an unsightly girl working at the Gamestop at the Columbia Mall (yes, the one with the recent shooting). I proceeded to browse through the games like any teenager without any money. "Can I help you?" said a male voice behind me . I turned around and found myself facing what turned out to actually be a guy who had had work done on certain parts of his body.


"No thanks" I said, not quite stopping the motion of turning around. First, it was disturbing. Second, as soon as I realized who it was, the female identification left my mind immediately. No longer was it or ever had been a guy-legally-turned-girl, he was now just a guy who had done something frankly horrible to himself. It was sad, really.

...I have almost no comments for this
it's sad like all of your flimsy arguments

The facade is made of paper.


I wish not to have this sound like a rant, and I believe that I managed to meet that goal.

you believe incorrectly

So if you have managed to read this, thanks for taking the time, I really needed to get that out of my system. Again, I don't hate the gays, only what they do.

but what someone does is inseparably attached to their personality
their personality is what causes them to act in the manner they do
I don't understand how you hate someone's actions but not them, unless it was like a one-time thing

Over here we keep our gays in pens on the outskirts of the city, cant go having them walk about on their own now can we?

If you let them run around town they would snatch up the lil' boys at night! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!