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112 (12.6%)
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1 (0.1%)
69 (7.7%)
39 (4.4%)
9 (1%)
Visit Forums atleast:1 a day
96 (10.8%)
1 a week
16 (1.8%)
1 a month
3 (0.3%)
Play blockland atleast:1 a day
66 (7.4%)
1 a week
37 (4.2%)
1 a month
9 (1%)
You play on a:Computer
93 (10.4%)
23 (2.6%)
How did you find out about blockland?:Friend
31 (3.5%)
Searching webs
76 (8.5%)
Im best at making:Landscaping
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26 (2.9%)
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17 (1.9%)
Minigame related
40 (4.5%)
are you a forums user?:No
2 (0.2%)
109 (12.2%)

Total Members Voted: 0

Voting closed: December 14, 2007, 08:25:50 PM

Author Topic: Blockland Forums Statistics 2008  (Read 9612 times)

Real Name: Dave
Main Online Name: BurninFingerTipz, and Awoken
Why That Name: First one I've used since Middle School, other one is just my game tag.
MySpace: I have one, but it's private. Used just to keep in touch with school friends.
Which Country You Live In, (If American, Skip):
If American, Which State: Ohio
Grade lvl: Out of School
How Long on Forums: February 25, 2007
How Long on Playing Blockland (Including RTB and Vanilla): Same day when "The Screen Savers" aired a demo of this game.

1 Tony
2 Tony Sansony
3 Looong Story
4 no
5 Ohio
6 7th
8 i dunno
9 June 22 07 (im not THAT new BL_ID 1010)

Real name: Jake
Main online name: Link
Why that name: Cuz' I like the game Zelda
Myspace: Not telling
Which country you live in, (If american, skip):
If american, which state: Illinois
Grade lvl: 4th grade
How long on forums:Since July 13, 2006, 02:18:49 pm
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla): About two years

Real name: Kyle
Main online name: Metalhed
Why that name: Ummm.. i don't know
Myspace: No
Which country you live in, (If american, skip):
If american, which state: New Jersey
Grade lvl: Sophmore
How long on forums: 11 months 21 days, but i had another account before this, but forgot password lol
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla): Idk i heard about Vanilla on g4, so whenever that was, like 2, 3 years ago.

Real name: Jake
Main online name: Link
Why that name: Cuz' I like the game Zelda
Myspace: Not telling
Which country you live in, (If american, skip):
If american, which state: Illinois
Grade lvl: 4th grade
How long on forums:Since July 13, 2006, 02:18:49 pm
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla): About two years
Im in IL too!

Real name: Jack
Main online name: Tonce
Why that name: I actually dont know. I just came with it.
Myspace: None
Which country you live in, (If american, skip): Norway
If american, which state:
Grade lvl: 7th
How long on forums: Some months
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla): Around 3 years

Real name: Jake
Main online name: Link
Why that name: Cuz' I like the game Zelda
Myspace: Not telling
Which country you live in, (If american, skip):
If american, which state: Illinois
Grade lvl: 4th grade
How long on forums:Since July 13, 2006, 02:18:49 pm
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla): About two years
Im in IL too!

Real name: Eric
Main online name: CaffeineBoy
Why that name: I like Caffeine, and I'm a Boy
Myspace: Not gonna bother
Which country you live in, (If american, skip):
If american, which state: ask me if you really want to know
Grade lvl: 11th
How long on forums: over a year, i'm an hero member nao
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla): like, 3 years?

LOL I broke rules and posted my FINGER and KNEE



pies will be coming in this friday..... enjoy.

I'm a male, aged 12. I use a computer, visit the forums once a day, and play Blockland at least once a day. I AM a forums user. I found Blockland from looking around at stuffs. I'm best at mini-game related crap.

Real name: Joe Face (no, j/k)
Main online name: ChexGuy331
Why that name: Because I said so
Myspace: MySpace is teh gay
Which country you live in: AMEDICA
If american, which state: NY
Grade lvl: 7
How long on forums: About 2
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla): 2

Real name: Nicholas
Main online name: NicktheSushi
Why that name: I like sushi, so what?
Myspace: Myspace, shmyspace
Location: Kentucky
Grade lvl: 6
How long on forums: eh a year mabye. I had two users. One got banned  :cookieMonster:
How long on playing Blockland: Since TMB

Real name: Hugh Jass
Main online name: Dread
Why that name: Why not?
Myspace: Yourspace
Which country you live in, (If american, skip): Monaco
If USA, which state: Tuvalu
Grade lvl: OVER 9000!!!
How long on forums: March 27, 2007, 01:43:31 pm to present day
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla): Since somewhere around vanilla

« Last Edit: January 28, 2008, 04:35:47 PM by Dread »