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109 (12.2%)

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Voting closed: December 14, 2007, 08:25:50 PM

Author Topic: Blockland Forums Statistics 2008  (Read 9611 times)

Real name: "personal"
Main online name: Muffinmix
Why that name: I like to eat it out of the bag, and no one ever thinks of it.
Myspace: none
Which country you live in: Canada
Grade lvl: second year chemistry bachelors (honors hopefully)
How long on forums: more than half a year (since February 2007)
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla): Played Vanilla for a couple weeks, played retail on and off since buying in Febuary 2007.

Mine is a constant development, a non-stop process of the evolution of the state of mind. I try to keep my eyes open towards new knowledge and use it to further mold my comprehension of the universe. This undying curiosity for newfound wisdom only furthers my existence as a human being, and not "just" another part of today's machine-like society, comprised of numbered bolts and screws.

I also hold on to interpretation as an important step in attaining new wisdom from life's many stories, be they woven of fact or fiction, from a written form, set in eternal stone, or from an individual, set in fluid time.
Yeah, I composed this too.

Real name: Jerry
Main online name: VerticalHorizon/Nile22
Why that name: I've used VH forever in BL and Nile22 almost as much as VH everywhere else.
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/hellbenthomicide
Which country you live in, (If american, skip):
If american, which state: North Carolina
Grade lvl: 10th
How long on forums: The day after BL appeared on TSS
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla): The day BL appeared on TSS, and I played RTB since it came out all the way up to Retail.

Real name: snot
Main online name: snot
Why that name: because i am snot
Myspace: snotfaceloel
Which country you live in, (If american, skip): UK
Grade lvl: snot would be in 14
How long on forums: since oct 2005
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla):since they came out

Real name: Alexander
Main online name: ACM/AC-mister/A-master
Why that name: It's the initial(s) of my real name followed by a title.
Myspace: None
Which country you live in, (If american, skip): United Kingdom
Grade lvl: *Personal
How long on forums: Since October 23, 2005
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla): Some time during June 2005.

Real name: snot
Main online name: snot
Why that name: because i am snot
Myspace: snotfaceloel
Which country you live in, (If american, skip): UK
Grade lvl: snot would be in 14
How long on forums: since oct 2005
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla):since they came out
snot, wtf, this is seriouse, please correct this...

Real name: Jared
Main online name: Dilt
Why that name: Came about as a need to change 'JKC-PF_East' to something less barked up.
Myspace: Is for emo children who wallow in misery. :D
Which country you live in, (If american, skip): I live in Bob Dole Land.
If american, which state: Louisiana. Yes, New Orleans, yes, Katrina.
Grade lvl: 12.
How long on forums: I'm not sure. I registered this account a year and a half ago but never posted, apparently, until a few days ago.
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla): I've been playing for a LONG time. I have no idea when I started. Years back, before BLM, I remember that much.

are you a forums user?:No           -0 (0%)
Yes         -34 (12.2%)
You can only vote if you're a forum member and user!

Real name: ... It's somewhere, go look for it.
Main online name: Space Guy / Generic
Why that name: Randomly chose when I played v0002 / I like that word
Myspace: No. Go away.
Which country you live in, (If american, skip): UK
If american, which state: No. Go away.
Grade lvl: Year 9
How long on forums: Since February 05, 2007, 01:15:39 pm.
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla): Two-three years?

Real name: Haha! No.
Main online name: Spation
Why that name: 'Cause it's awesome.
Myspace: None
Which country you live in, (If american, skip): English
If american, which state: Not American
Grade lvl: I'm English, we use the year system. I'm in year 8. (Can someone tell me what Grade you'd be in where you 13?)
How long on forums: 2 years? Feels more like 3.
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla): 2 Years.

Also, Space is only a year above me. So that means, he should have fun with his Year 9 SATs.

Real name:  :cookieMonster: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:
Main online name: Inaxio
Why that name: DUNNO LOL
Which country you live in, (If American, skip): AMERICA
If American, which state: Texas
Grade lvl: 5
How long on forums: 3 Months
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla): 3 Months

Real name:James
Main online name:Jam
Why that name:It taste grood and its first 3 letters of my name.
Which country you live in, (If american, skip):Canada
If american, which province:Ontario
Grade lvl:ALL OF THEM >:D
How long on forums:Almost a year don't know lemme check
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla):2 years about

Grade lvl: I'm English, we use the year system. I'm in year 8. (Can someone tell me what Grade you'd be in where you 13?)

Probably grade 7 or 8.

Real name: Don't feel like getting raped, thanks.
Main online name: Falcondude
Why that name: Came from a starfox forums when I was... 10?
Myspace: None, thank god.
Which country you live in, (If american, skip): Canada
If american, which state: Not American
Grade lvl: 8.
How long on forums: Lurked for... a bit. A year including the lurking.
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla): 1 year and... a month or two?

Real name: Umm...it's a secret to everyone?
Main online name: Trader for BL / MiZtrOh for everywhere else.
Why that name: MiZtrOh sounds like "maestro".  I'm big into music.
Myspace:  I almost never check it - MiZtrOh.
State: North Carolina
Grade Level: N/A, I'm 23.
How long on forums: Since June 05, 2005, 03:03:28 pm, or 2.5 years.
How long playing Blockland:  Since before BLM, so...3 years?
« Last Edit: November 15, 2007, 03:44:19 PM by Trader »

Real Name: -.-'
Main Online Name: E_net4
Why that name: Such a phenomenon of the creation of this name happened some years ago. Too much of a phenomenom to be revealed.
Myspace: If I do have one, then I don't use it.
Which country you live in: Portugal
Grave lvl: 11th year of school
How long on forums: Some days before the release of Blockland 1.0
How long playing Blockland: Since RTB 1.045.

Real name: Aviv Hazan.
Main online name: D3|\/|0|\||Z3D \ Aviv
Why that name: Cause i'm Demonized, lols.
Myspace: Paviv (or somethin)
Which country you live in: Israel, home of the hottest chicks.
Grade lvl:10th
How long on forums:like around two years
How long on playing Blockland (Including RTB and vanilla): 4 years (LOLWUT)

You got my info, come to my house and forget my sister :D (LOL BLOCKDUDES REVENGE)