Author Topic: Ephialites - Stupid key stealer  (Read 9551 times)

you actually gave your key away and fell for it?
wow, serves you right.
anyways, yeah, you shouldnt trust stuff like this like "Blockland Gold" or "Blockland Deluxe" or some stuff like that.

Ephialites has been confirmed as "Pewdipie" and Pewdipie is Spencer2015.

Phishermans Website...
Don't let "pewdiepie"/Spencer2015 Phish your key out of the water

you actually gave your key away and fell for it?
wow, serves you right.
Oh, come along now.
Everyone has been young and naive at some point or another. It's not the vulnerable's fault.

I've had things like this happen to me before when I was younger (not on Blockland, but have lost an account on another game just by giving away a password), and I felt like a complete richardhead and idiot.
Davidoss already knows what he did was silly and he's hating himself for it already. He doesn't need you lot to do it for him too.
And the fact that this game costs money just adds more reason to be upset with yourself. I wouldn't want to suffer the embarassment and humiliation of telling my parents I lost their money's worth, and nor would any of you.

Davidoss isn't the problem here. The problem is the fact that Spencer/Pew/Ephialites is going around scamming people out of their Blockland Keys and it needs to be put to a stop.

Give Davidoss a break and focus on who is really to blame here.

This kid is literally 10 years old. Usually people put their birth year in their names. If it isn't his birth year, then there's no relevance. I'm guessing his name is David, too.

Didn't badspot say something like "If your friend eats your hotdog, the stand should've give you another one for free, your friend owes you a hot dog." In any case, using this mentality, nobody can get back your key, nor will it be retrieved. It will be revoked, and you will have to buy a new one. Sorry kiddo.

Its just a scam to take your key
don't fall for it

Guys grow the hell up. He's clearly young and while it seems like common sense not to do so I'm sure everyone here has given away a password or key before accidentally. Even if you dislike him, the drama isn't about him. He didn't do anything damaging to the other people, and you should be piling up on Spencer for stealing keys, rather than the victim.

If Spencer uses his key it'll get revoked like the others. He'll have to buy another one and I'm sure he will have learned. Saying not to give your key out is completely useless at this point.

I think this sort of activity should get you instantly banned or revoked upon joining, in the same way Okiver and MARBLE MAN are. It's one thing to troll a server or bother users, acts which can be solved by banning, but stealing products is a crime and should be punished.

Good going OP. I've got a rare opportunity for you. I'm working on a federal project called Social Security++, and all you've got to do to sign up is submit your SSID#, your primary credit card number w/ expiration date and security code, your blood type, and your home alarm code.


Nvm about that out for some days. I will play normal, my dad said he won't sell my key.


hold the loving phone here

you were going to sell what will shortly become a unusable account to somebody

are you stupid or have I met the world's biggest piece of stuff

okay, op next time when ever anyone asks you for your key you don't give it to them. would you do this in real life? give something thats yours to a stranger on the street? did your school ever teach you about doing this sort of stuff? right now your on a forum or game with a bunch of people you don't know but thats fine socialize all you want no body's stopping you just don't give things that are yours to people that you know in real life you only give it to a friend or your family just don't give it out to people who scam for this. Be aware of phishing and on blockland only listen to Badspots sites or a Admins site on this forum and take a look of their ID on BL if its the actual badspot (BL ID: 0) listen to him and do what ever but when its an impersonator such as someone who has their name as Badspot but their ID isn't the same as the true badspot don't listen to them.  

Nvm about that out for some days. I will play normal, my dad said he won't sell my key.
you wanted your dad to sell your blockland key
that doesn't even work
so then you're scamming

No. He=Ephialites.
There's definitely no chance that the same guy who set out with the express goal of stealing your key is going to sell it?

That's pretty optimistic.

Sorry, I'm all out of ass of the year awards
Be aware of what you type next time

Guys grow the hell up. He's clearly young and while it seems like common sense not to do so I'm sure everyone here has given away a password or key before accidentally. Even if you dislike him, the drama isn't about him. He didn't do anything damaging to the other people, and you should be piling up on Spencer for stealing keys, rather than the victim.

If Spencer uses his key it'll get revoked like the others. He'll have to buy another one and I'm sure he will have learned. Saying not to give your key out is completely useless at this point.

I think this sort of activity should get you instantly banned or revoked upon joining, in the same way Okiver and MARBLE MAN are. It's one thing to troll a server or bother users, acts which can be solved by banning, but stealing products is a crime and should be punished.
This. Leave David alone, everyone.