Author Topic: Lego Island(s)²: BUILD NOW!  (Read 3373 times)

So if anyone remembers from my previous topic I was making lego islands.

Now I decided to update it and instead of using flat ugly baseplate terrain I upgraded to modter. I'm still looking for help. Not much has changed besides an island relocation and terrain. The terrain adds more possibilities now.

Aw, my tower...

I'll stop by

If I recall correctly, where you remaking Backlot?

Hmm we have a new person.
What is your Alt?

Hmm we have a new person.
What is your Alt?
well your alt is hair

Hmm we have a new person.
What is your Alt?
i can't tell if this is intentionally being ironic or if you're really just stupid

Okay that is pretty awesome.

You should join my server more often then.

All of you!

This place is cool, I suggest it's checked out.

If anyone could find or make me some skyboxes with moving clouds that would be helpful.

I'm making my own version. Why make a replica when I can make my own version.

That's what Lego Island 2 and 3 did anyways.

Looks a lot better with terrain than flat baseplates.