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roman era (circa 200 bc)

Author Topic: Sid Jairo's Europa Forumalis: Cold War Mini - AND THE WINNER IS... ROME?!  (Read 129850 times)

lol voluntarily by force


A yellow fog envolps Yugoslavia overnight.

This just in, Yugoslavia is getting gassed by stufftons of ammonia.  Crop dusters upwind to blame.  Yes, this is a joke based off of Badger's statement.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 01:32:14 AM by SWAT One »

Canada elbows Australia and tells them to knock it off because they're lucky to have a NAT with the USSR and China.

Or the other way around, depends. If this option, I guess Canada will take back elbow.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 01:32:39 AM by Swat 3 »

Cuba requests more more more more aid from USSR and China and also requests for them to declare war on Brazil and Australia (if not already done.)

lol its a fog not a deadly chemical weapon.

Activists are a funny lot.

edit: happy 2000 replies.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 01:37:08 AM by Badger »

A yellow fog envolps Yugoslavia overnight.
Mastard Gas attack is virtually impossible with the high red pact navy concentration in the Mediterranean.

All westerners in the Yugoslavia are detained by police forces. Security forces in Austria put on high alert.

High Explosive warheads are launched at several Italian ports.

More forces are sent to Yugoslavia with newer weapons and vehicles. Forces already in Italy are reorganized into newer regiments and battle groups.

Iran begins mass-producing a chemical known as guranite, which, when sprayed from high up in the sky, can effectively heal people by going in their bodies quickly once breathed in, killing germs, or can spread deadly germs into the body. It all depends on the ion. The deadly form, guranite1+, is being massproduced by a company named Kamburitsha. Kamburitsha's main plant suffered a fatal explosion in the earlier 50s, and that area has been known to leak radiation. The company has gone on uninterrupted creating guranite1+. However, the company with the nicer record is producing guranite2-. That company is known as Glasbowl from early Germany. Guranite2- is also expected to be sold as an air freshener "with benefits" in public markets like الكروب مارت and حروف العربية هو غريب.

Anyone interested in purchasing some can do so.

Is this a real thing?

Nope.  Complete and utter bullstuff.

Unless Muslim can provide a quote, that is.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 01:58:22 AM by SWAT One »

Nope.  Complete and utter bullstuff.
Well so was your gravitanium.

Well so was your gravitanium.

Dont forget Xeonic matter.

Well so was your gravitanium.
Gravitanium was introduced with host permission in an open system.  This RP is very much a "keep to realism" RP.


Dont forget Xeonic matter.
Gravitanium is a type of Xanionic* Matter.

The Brazilian war machine marches on the capitals of Peru, Venezuela, and Columbia.

Meanwhile, it is rumored that Brazilian ambassadors are being sent to China more and more, yet nobody knows for sure what they are trying to accomplish.

Yugoslavia sends in its second wave to attack Italy. Requests that Red Pact allies in the Balkans start sending their forces.

Also we give Turkey, Iraq, and Iran a copy of our schematics to build their M-84A main battle tank and BVP M80A infantry fighting vehicle.

Yugoslav engineers create the SPAT 30/2 to supplement it's force of ZSU-57s.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 12:35:30 PM by Harm94 »