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roman era (circa 200 bc)

Author Topic: Sid Jairo's Europa Forumalis: Cold War Mini - AND THE WINNER IS... ROME?!  (Read 134230 times)

hm this isn't really a cold war anymore.

more like


Canada starts modernizing navy and stuff like that.

Canada still hopes for free money from USA or allies.

hm this isn't really a cold war anymore.
isn't it always cold in russia?

Wow, seriously guys...

Lol mlock only wanting to switch sides. RP correctness has nothing to do with it.

Lol mlock only wanting to switch sides. RP correctness has nothing to do with it.
did you not
just see me
killing them

i'm not even switching sides
i'm killing the rebels
i already talked to jairo about this

I just want it to be spring so I can get my harriers :(((

Progress on Italian conflict:
Padua and Vicenza have were captured by Yugoslav forced in the area.

1 Fleet from the Yugoslav navy has blockaded Venice, our soldiers blockade the bridge into the city. Civilians and soldiers that surrender will be free to evacuate the city.

1st Missile Artillery battery has been ordered to fire 6 missiles on the city of Ferrera to try and break the morale of Italian forces in that area.
2nd Missile Artillery Battery has been ordered 7 missiles on the city of Verona.

Yugoslav soldiers have also reported the 9K52 Luna-M system is horribly inaccurate since a number of blast craters have been found in the Italian farmland.

If the USSR will support my vote, I'd like to call a war against Saudi Arabia and India.

How is Yugoslavia not bankrupt by now?...

If the USSR will support my vote, I'd like to call a war against Saudi Arabia and India.

India is my ally, are you sure?

chemical weapons remain unbanned

next un proposal will be coming from (whoever claims it)

How is Yugoslavia not bankrupt by now?...
In real life they were mini USSR because they were able to manufacture their own weapons. However in real life in 1949 Yugoslavia left the Warsaw Pact after bad mouthing Stalin. However they received weapons and aid from the USSR and NATO. It was also one of the founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement.