Author Topic: Hosting public FTB-Direwolf server on --- Syerjchep  (Read 12037 times)

Anyway, kinda surprised no one has registered yet

Alright, new solution.
Passwords are indeed stored in plaintext.

This is one of the reasons why I didn't, probably other people to.
Multiple instances of people making and posting their website on here have taught me that you can't trust people to store passwords correctly.

This is one of the reasons why I didn't, probably other people to.
Multiple instances of people making and posting their website on here have taught me that you can't trust people to store passwords correctly.
That quote was literally from the first day registrations were open.
We now have 44 unique users and growing.
Passwords are now stored correctly. It's not like I lied about it before and said they were when they weren't.

all hail the great pillsbury empire

So are you going to put a tab for Terraria like how you did for Blockland and Minecraft?

So are you going to put a tab for Terraria like how you did for Blockland and Minecraft?
Probably, not sure what would go under it yet though.
Also, no one has played the server yet. Doughboy joined then left, however.

All hail the great pillsbury empire!
One of the enemies has buckled beneath the iron fist of our glorious empire, and with his death comes great pride to our members.

stuff is getting tense on the minecraft server. The two dominant towns, the Pillsbury Empire(led by doughboy) and the Soviet Republic of Skyland(led by yours truly), are starting to rival each other. I'm trying to avoid hostilities, but a certain user whose name rhymes with Johnny roosterhead is starting stuff.

get along you three
They are not worthy of the time the great Pillsbury Empire possesses.

If you wanna kill each other just agree to it first so I don't get bitched at.
Also, even though it was requested, it looks like no one wanted to play terraria. Moving on to hosting Blockland.

Treehouse town accomplished! Welcome to the Soviet Republic of Skyland! SRS for short.

Dem democratic Pillsbury Empire folk can't compare.

Treehouse town accomplished! Welcome to the Soviet Republic of Skyland! SRS for short.
[img ][/img]
Dem democratic Pillsbury Empire folk can't compare.
Cool, harvest the wheat.
I'll be over in a minute.

In this episode, Frogger3140 was stupid and is now unable to publish his PILLS series of controversial flyers.

He is currently many hundreds of blocks away from the PILLS publishing house.

But what about volume four? Will it ever get released?

But what about volume four? Will it ever get released?
Some day :')