Author Topic: Why RTB going be Shutdown?  (Read 79565 times)

So how will we make RTB Prefs and such? A lot of mods rely on these, I guess Kalphiter will have to release Blockland Cloud early :cookieMonster:
im pretty sure the RTB prefs system will still function after RTB is gone. it doesnt really seem to rely on the RTB services

ey yo, we need you to make a memorial video for RTB
Video Project: Fall of RTB

we have to get a group of peeps to take RTB and make it run on a new server or something and to continue it's development. it would be nice if ephi posted a download to what he has finished so far.

Video Project: Fall of RTB
put in an intro and ill kill you

Someone needs to make RTRTB.
(Return to RTB)

That would be fun. . . .

we have to get a group of peeps to take RTB and make it run on a new server or something and to continue it's development. it would be nice if ephi posted a download to what he has finished so far.
this would be awesome.
looks like TBM is going to have to come back
« Last Edit: February 05, 2014, 05:24:07 PM by GhostStar »

what is this?
All in One
it took a bunch of stuffty mods and made an even stufftier mod

what is this?
it was an old mod like RTB and TBM. it was during the alpha version of blockland but died off because it was never updated.