A little sumnten sumten for Badspot

Author Topic: A little sumnten sumten for Badspot  (Read 5631 times)

A little sumten sumten for badspot you know what I mean =), wait no you don't! >:O well I made this video, this is for badspot:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzUHSKBds0Q    :cookie:

A little sumten sumten for badspot you know what I mean =), wait no you don't! >:O well I made this video, this is for badspot:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzUHSKBds0Q    :cookie:
That's not very smart you know what I mean =), wait no you don't! >:O well have fun being banned, by badspot.

That was really disorienting. It actually hurt to listen to it.

Thank God for my temporary lack of speakers.

Dumbest video ever.

Worse than ANYTHING I've ever seen on YouTube, even worse than that one messed up Rick Roll vid.

Summary: "Badspot wudent giv me admin on his serbar an now i hat him! i hat him so much that i make a youtub vido an make udder ppl hat him 2. ha ah ah."

The title is called BadSpot: The Bitch, But anyone lame enough to make a YouTube hate video is way more of a bitch than whoever they're trying to insult.

Oh, So you're a troll with nothing better to do in his pathetic life than weakly attempt to cause conflict on a forum about a game about building with blocks.

Actually I hate blockland, blockland flipping sucks, you know what rocks? Team Fortress Classic =D. And I am posting stuff to see how whiny bitches you are.
Well thats very immature.If you dont like blockland just GTFO.

Why would you make a video if you hate Blockland so much?
It shows that you are willing to put time and effort just to make it look bad.
You seriously have no life.
And work on your grammar before calling people whiny bitches, because you seemed to be the one bitching in that video.

TheMan, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Well thats very immature.If you dont like blockland just GTFO.

Whiny Bitch  :cookieMonster:

Hmm thats odd i dont recall me doing an bitching

Get the forget out of here you fat sob.

Yeah who needs a girlfriend when you have your own tits!

Yeah who needs a girlfriend when you have your own tits!