Author Topic: Transitional RTB (changed IRC host, connection issues fixed)  (Read 42935 times)

Return To The Better BAC's PAC

There's a issue with the BAM website.
The "Learn More" button doesn't work.
none of them do
known issue, i presume
Pretty sure Port did it on purpose for some reason.

port i loving love you for this addon
(jk i dont love you but THANK YOU HOLY GOD)

server information removed
well then why is the button still here?

It's broken, makes my loading go "VERIFYING RTB ADDONS" and the loading bar never fills up.
I was not able to join anyone's server with this issue.

I removed the "new" RTB and this was fixed.
I'm really disappointed. We can't even have a friend's list, which was a main feature.

It's broken, makes my loading go "VERIFYING RTB ADDONS" and the loading bar never fills up.
I was not able to join anyone's server with this issue.

I removed the "new" RTB and this was fixed.
I'm really disappointed. We can't even have a friend's list, which was a main feature.

That doesn't happen to me - are you running the normal version of RTB alongside this?

still would like more info on this

uh, that's all there is presently.

I'm really disappointed. We can't even have a friend's list, which was a main feature.
IIRC someone made an add-on back when the IRC Client was still in RTB, you can probably find it in Xalos' add-on dump from RTB's site or the RTB site itself before it closes.

If I were to rename this, what exactly should I rename it to? This is not something I plan to be long-term; it's a temporary replacement for RTB.

Also, progress on new client:

This seems to break it with the host thing

Can you strip down the Manual? Since you stripped down the add-on and all that, you should re-write the RTB manual.

Won't let me connect to IRC. No matter how many times I restart ect.

tRTB: Transitional RTB?

sounds a lot like tRNA

glad to see this get set up. port, pls don't ditch us