Author Topic: The adventures of Tom  (Read 1193 times)

I really wanted to have a go at a no-bullstuff super simplistic adventure type of thing

You can pretty much get him to do anything provided that the drawing will be within forum rules and my artistic skills.
First come first serve, regarding what the character will do.

Here is Tom.

There is a carpenters' square in front of him, which is laying on a wooden table. The table seems to be carefully balanced on two legs. You wonder how the carpenters' square hasn't slid off of the table.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2014, 08:10:53 PM by D3ATH LORD »

See if the table's corners truly are 90°.

Do whatever actions are necessary to create plot.

pick the square up.

See if the table's corners truly are 90°.

You take the carpenters' square and apply it to one of the numerous geometrically viable table corners. Interestingly, the table is infact balancing at 44.7 degrees.

While not 90 degrees, you still wonder how it has not fallen over.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2014, 08:17:44 PM by D3ATH LORD »

put the table on its side. Do it with the legs pointing left, so if billy the killer comes in from the right with a bb gun, you will be protected.

put the table on its side. Do it with the legs pointing left, so if billy the killer comes in from the right with a bb gun, you will be protected.

You push and arrange the table in a way that would protect you, in the rather unlikely event that the infamous Billy the Killer attempts to bombard you with plastic ball bearings from the right.

You push and arrange the table in a way that would protect you, in the rather unlikely event that the infamous Billy the Killer attempts to bombard you with plastic ball bearings from the right.
I really want to make a gif of that but I am to lazy to.

hope this isn't a rip-off of my tim story >:(((((((

Please don't beat me ;((((((

On topic: Explore to the left some. If you find anything pick it up.

Stab self with table leg and preform satanic ritual and die

Stab self with table leg and preform satanic ritual and die
You are the weirdest 11 year-old I have ever met.

You are the weirdest 11 year-old I have ever met.

Stab self with table leg and preform satanic ritual and die

Tom lies in agony after taking a number of attempts of impaling himself on a table leg. On his last go, he attempted to run at the table leg, but to no avail; subsequently he feels like being punched in the gut. Perhaps he should've ran faster.

The carpenters' square is covered in blood after the satanic ceremony. Strangely enough, the candles seemed to light themselves, although Lucifer did not confront you. You feel quite silly after going through all the hassle of cutting yourself with a carpenters' square only to face disappointment in an unsuccessful ritual.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2014, 09:52:59 PM by D3ATH LORD »