Author Topic: Pacnet's RTB Replacement - Lifetime: Precisely 2 and a half minutes.  (Read 13379 times)

Still not going to use it.
Then don't post, what do you care? It's pretty obvious most of you are trying to get a reaction out of him, yeah I agree it won't be mainstream like RTB was but if you won't use it then your opinion doesn't matter to his business.

Then don't post, what do you care? It's pretty obvious most of you are trying to get a reaction out of him, yeah I agree it won't be mainstream like RTB was but if you won't use it then your opinion doesn't matter to his business.

Nicely said.

Still not going to use it.

same because its ran by a bunch of nut jobs

same because its ran by a bunch of nut jobs

Excuse me, which nut jobs?

Then don't post, what do you care? It's pretty obvious most of you are trying to get a reaction out of him, yeah I agree it won't be mainstream like RTB was but if you won't use it then your opinion doesn't matter to his business.
Wound trying to call people out for baiting reactions?


If anybody here is stupid enough to make an RTB replacement, it should at least have the barebone functions that RTB used to have. GUI really doesn't matter in a beta stage; As long a friends list, IRC, add-on hosting and server hooks work, it can still be used.

Still not going to use it.

Good for you. Honestly, everybody who is attempting to make an RTB replacement thinks that their work will be the next big thing. Some are more stuck up than others, Pacnet being a perfect example. Still, you should use whatever is at your disposal, not neglect it because it was made by your Arch-Nemesenimy.

Then why post...?
because he needs to list his opinion on this? i mean its pretty obvious. a project of this size needs a lot of user input, what the hell is this guy going around talking about this new rtb clone and how he will make it for the people of blockland if he doesnt care about anyones opinion on it? when people say it sucks its a clear sign you should fix it.

You really need to calm down lol.
Have you ever heard the saying, "If you dont have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself"?

I'm pretty sure that, in order to be successful at a large project that requires much user input, you can't give up just because some 8 year olds decide to create a worthless drama about it and rub it in your face. That's a clear sign of bad leadership. If Ephialtits was like this, RTB would have died some five years ago.

Simply put: Pacnet is a pusillanimous individual.

Hopefully he'll cool down in three months and recover.

You really need to calm down lol.
Have you ever heard the saying, "If you dont have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself"?
on something that requires input to work? how do you think we get nice things? when people speak up on things that suck. this is the child behavior im talking about from these same people doing these rtb projects. "oh dont hurt my feelings i try :*(("

"oh dont hurt my feelings i try :*(("

That Totally sounds like something Joseph Stalin said when his people started to complain about his dictatorship.

There's no a small percentage of constructive input being posted, posting things such as "not using this" or "this will be awful" isn't exactly going to help anything, kind of prooves that people are trying to get a reaction out of Pacnet.

I think this isn't a good idea personally, Blockland is on steam now, and as RTB fit blockland more than steam does, steam has pretty well all the features RTB had.  If you don't like steam then maybe you should try something new and stop being a hipster.

on something that requires input to work? how do you think we get nice things? when people speak up on things that suck. this is the child behavior im talking about from these same people doing these rtb projects. "oh dont hurt my feelings i try :*(("
seriously, just stop lol