Author Topic: Keith Gower, the one that has no testosterone.  (Read 2561 times)

Okay, lets say, I'm a Keithologist.
I've known this guy since he applied to be in GS back in 2013.
Most of you might remember the continous drama threads I've created against him.
Every time I try and help him, he just forgets up. Over and over and over again.
His steam is Shnack Clack, here's a converstation I had with him.
He goes under the aliases of Eryk, Fey, Crome, johnny1ace, and HedRokka (I think there are more, can't recall). He states that he's been banned fourteen times.

Shnack Clack: hi
Shnack Clack: how are you?
Johnny Blockhead: Hello, who is this?
Shnack Clack: you know
Shnack Clack: keith
Shnack Clack: crome
Johnny Blockhead: oh
Shnack Clack: eryk
Johnny Blockhead: If you keep it up, you'll be banned for stuffposting
Shnack Clack: yeah
Shnack Clack: i have some news for you
Shnack Clack: i was moved to a group home
Shnack Clack: and i have to use the loving stuff group home pc
Shnack Clack: i get to see my mom only once a year
Johnny Blockhead: wow
Shnack Clack: i only got to bring my 3ds
Johnny Blockhead: Are you still able to play blockland?
Shnack Clack: yes
Shnack Clack: and use the forums of course
Shnack Clack: but blockland can barely run
Johnny Blockhead: Lets talk about preserving your forum account's ability to post.
Johnny Blockhead: I suggest going into the drama topic, and making an apology post.
Shnack Clack: johnny
Shnack Clack: i'm gonna say one thing to you
Shnack Clack: from experience on the forums
Shnack Clack: and in blockland
Shnack Clack: an apoligy post is only going to get me more hate
Shnack Clack: apology*
Johnny Blockhead: I think it might refresh a few people's mindsets
Johnny Blockhead: i mean
Johnny Blockhead: right now
Johnny Blockhead: you look like a dip
Johnny Blockhead: just fix it
Shnack Clack: have you heard of tb2
Shnack Clack: he made a drama post
Shnack Clack: trying to clear things up
Shnack Clack: that made it
Shnack Clack: 1000% worse
Johnny Blockhead: TB2 is in a different situation then you are.
Johnny Blockhead: When Badspot comes online, you're going to get a permaban.
Shnack Clack: WHAT
Johnny Blockhead: An apology post will try and prevent that.
Shnack Clack: FOR WHAT?
Johnny Blockhead: stuffposting
Shnack Clack: okay
Shnack Clack: i posted an apology.
Johnny Blockhead: I see.
Johnny Blockhead: Okay, let's see how people will react.
Johnny Blockhead: Also, proper grammar would help.
Johnny Blockhead: Oh well, you can't exactly edit posts in drama.
Shnack Clack: wait
Shnack Clack: i can't edit posts?
Shnack Clack: i just did
Johnny Blockhead: You can't edit posts in drama.
Shnack Clack: jesus christ
Shnack Clack: i thought the quote button was the edit button
Shnack Clack: now i'm gonna get banned for spamming + stuffposting
Shnack Clack: forget i'm so handicapped
Johnny Blockhead: Change your avatar from the euphrotic stuff
Shnack Clack: i don't have another avatar though
Johnny Blockhead: drastic avatar mode. activated
Johnny Blockhead:
Johnny Blockhead: lol
Johnny Blockhead: you used it
Shnack Clack: i did
Shnack Clack: jesus christ
Shnack Clack: are you trolling me
Shnack Clack: dude
Shnack Clack: i want you to listen
Johnny Blockhead: what
Shnack Clack: the forums is all i have
Shnack Clack: i have NOTHING
Shnack Clack: else
Johnny Blockhead: I know, Shnack.
Shnack Clack: everyone at my group home is an starfish
Shnack Clack: i have to go to a school that has a Falls Far Below test score rating
Shnack Clack: and i get the worst therapy possible
Johnny Blockhead: Shnack, I've heard this song and dance before.
Shnack Clack: what?
Johnny Blockhead: Are you trying to make a point? I know your life is hard.
Shnack Clack: no
Johnny Blockhead: I don't need a refresher
Shnack Clack: i'm talking serious
Johnny Blockhead: What are you trying to say?
Shnack Clack: i'm trying to say that my life is taking a drastic turn downwards.
Johnny Blockhead: Yes.
Johnny Blockhead: I know.
Shnack Clack: and i can't do anything about it
Shnack Clack: NOTHING
Shnack Clack: it wasn't my fault for this in the first place
Johnny Blockhead: I understand, Keith
Johnny Blockhead: Keith Gower, lets try to get you /not/ banned.
Shnack Clack: how do you know my last name
Shnack Clack: lel
Johnny Blockhead:
Shnack Clack: oh god
Johnny Blockhead: Okay
Johnny Blockhead: You're in fifth grade, I hope you know proper grammar.
Johnny Blockhead: Use it.
Shnack Clack: ok
Johnny Blockhead: when you posted the euphortic thread
Johnny Blockhead: did you realize what you were doing
Shnack Clack is now Away.
Johnny Blockhead: Are you able to regulate yourself from making stupid posts
Shnack Clack is now Online.
Shnack Clack: sorry, ughm, i guess yeah.
Shnack Clack: jesus christ dude
Shnack Clack: i told you people would react negatively
Shnack Clack: that's what people do on this forum
Shnack Clack: they forget you up
Johnny Blockhead: You didn't exactly make the best of posts.
Johnny Blockhead: plus
Shnack Clack: IT HAS TO BE loving PERFECT, HASN'T IT?
Johnny Blockhead: it's only one person
Johnny Blockhead: Shove some cool-whip up your ass if you're going to act like this
Shnack Clack: ok sorry
Shnack Clack: but why does everything have to be perfect with you?
Shnack Clack: i tried
Johnny Blockhead: You should've used some proper grammar, and plus as I said, it's only one person.
Shnack Clack: proper grammar
Shnack Clack: lol
Johnny Blockhead: Keith, I've kind of noticed a never-ending cycle.
Shnack Clack: what
Johnny Blockhead: You forget up, I try to help you, you forget up again, ect
Shnack Clack: *sigh*
Shnack Clack: i don't know how to explain that
Johnny Blockhead: I don't know if you really belong in Blockland's community
Shnack Clack: i try to take your advice
Johnny Blockhead: seriously, look at yourself
Johnny Blockhead: you've been banned six times
Shnack Clack: look at myself, eh?
Shnack Clack: no
Shnack Clack: i've been banned 13 times
Shnack Clack: not all of them were perma
Shnack Clack: welp
Shnack Clack: i can never change
Shnack Clack: i don't belong in any community
Shnack Clack: or this loving world
Shnack Clack: people torment me till the end
Shnack Clack: in real life
Shnack Clack: and on the internet
Shnack Clack: blockland isn't the only community i don't fit in to
Shnack Clack: i don't fit in to ANY
Shnack Clack: I'm too nerdy
Shnack Clack: hipster
Shnack Clack: and strange
Shnack Clack: for most people
Johnny Blockhead: No, you just don't present yourself properly.
Shnack Clack: i don't present myself properly.
Shnack Clack: nice point
Shnack Clack: exactly
Shnack Clack: presenting myself isn't easy
Shnack Clack: when i go with a normal introductino
Shnack Clack: it's always "Hey, friend, get a better taste of music,"
Shnack Clack: or something like that
Shnack Clack: people don't like me for who i am.
Shnack Clack:
Shnack Clack: i'm thinking of going to underground clubs in the uk
Johnny Blockhead: No, pretty sure it's just your grammar and the way you make spam stuff
Shnack Clack: and getting high often
Shnack Clack: when i grow older
Shnack Clack: no joke
Johnny Blockhead: I give up.
Shnack Clack: *sigh*
Shnack Clack: dude
Shnack Clack: before you kill me
Shnack Clack: i want to say something
Shnack Clack: i go through 50 minutes of therapy a day
Shnack Clack: and that hasn't helped me
Shnack Clack: nothing can
Shnack Clack: nothing will
Shnack Clack: i'm willing to accept the fact that i will never have a future
Shnack Clack: i'm willing to accept the fact that my life is always going to be stuff
Shnack Clack: it's not my fault
Shnack Clack: trust me
Shnack Clack: nothing ever was my fault
Johnny Blockhead: Keith, you have a chance in life. Get off the internet. You'll find a lot of possibilities open up if you work hard enough.

Shnack Clack: people don't like me for who i am.

Despite the fact that he's clearly fishing for compliments, at least he knows his place.

You didn't even notice he was obviously fishing for attention?

Why are you still talking to him anyways lol?

Eryk is Keith?  Well then...

well he's named after a game dev with no testosterone so what do you expect

well he's named after a game dev with no testosterone so what do you expect
no wait whoops misread his name as "andrew gower" lol

Although he is stupid, you were being kind of an starfish

Eryk was keith all along...?

Hahahaha why didn't I realize he's Keith earlier

The suspicion was larger than it seems.

He need some Bull Shark Testosterone.

Why stay friends with such a degenerate anyway?

all aboard the wonderbote drama bote