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66 (36.1%)

Total Members Voted: 183

Author Topic: BAM Development (see page 25)  (Read 44664 times)

This has already been discussed and rejected, it isn't the job of BAM to replace the look of blockland's GUIs.
He's not saying bam should replace blockland's guis, he's saying bam's own guis should look like gui plus.


Development looks active

The current obstacle is the design and various implementation details of server control


  • I do not think anyone but the top-tier add-on reviewers should be allowed to approve add-ons.  I can understand the need for middle-tier add-on reviewers under heavy load.  But that's a big security risk, and I can think of plenty of ways to exploit it.
  • [0]Adding in teamspeak support sounds amazing.  Especially if it is distributed widely via something like BAM.
  • If you do make mod-review web-based, I suggest having some sort of a central chat area for the mod reviewers.
  • [0]If I were to download this mod I'd want any frivolous features that change how the base game works to be turned off by default.
  • Ctrl + Tab sounds good for the default gui keybind
  • [0]Older computers don't handle transparency and window animations very well.  Please avoid those in your guis.

    I look forward to testing bam out when it is available. ^.^

    OH! When it does come out, maybe you should consider taking donations to pay the mod reviewers.  That's something to consider later on though...

[0]I do not think anyone but the top-tier add-on reviewers should be allowed to approve add-ons.  I can understand the need for middle-tier add-on reviewers under heavy load.  But that's a big security risk, and I can think of plenty of ways to exploit it.
How slow are you wanting the reviewing process to be? The forum add-ons section already is a 'big security risk', that doesn't see exploits very often.
[0]If I were to download this mod I'd want any frivolous features that change how the base game works to be turned off by default.
To inconvenience the general userbase? Sure why not!
« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 03:16:34 PM by Chrono »

[0]If you do make mod-review web-based, I suggest having some sort of a central chat area for the mod reviewers.

That central chat area is the discussion page created for every pending submission.

How slow are you wanting the reviewing process to be? The forum add-ons section already is a 'big security risk', that doesn't see exploits very often.

Even with a limited set of top-tier reviewers being the only ones able to directly approve add-ons, it'd still be very quick.

Yeah, why not conflict with an application (which Blockland is also sold on) that has had 7 million users logged in simultaneously in the past 3 days? I couldn't see any problems with that.

The default Steam keybind is Shift+Tab.

The default Steam keybind is Shift+Tab.
Whoops, was getting my steam and rtb controls mixed up again.

did you get the name from http://mysterycoconut.com/tsmate ?

Nope, it was entirely arbitrary. If it had to be from anywhere it'd be pow.cx.

That central chat area is the discussion page created for every pending submission.
I'm not sure what you mean.

I mean something like a bulletin board or a chat room for BAM in general.  So if one of the top-tier reviewers got free tickets for a cruise in the Caribbean he could post a message there.  Then those directly effected by it would know what's up.

I'm not sure what you mean.
What he means is that for every addon that's submitted, a page is created that allows multiple mod reviewers to discuss and review from.

and also the teamspeak that is currently up for blockland is eh since nobot can ban you if people want you banned depending on how popular you are or how your reputation is
i dont think the vote banning type ban should be allowed if there is a new teamspeak because its complete utter bullstuff as since nobot banned me without warning
smells like someone got banned-
Maxx is mad because is was banned due to voice spamming.

Anyway the mod is not bound to any server, but it will be able to change your channel in the TS server to one that the BL server says, if you have that option enabled.
oh hey i'm right
How slow are you wanting the reviewing process to be? The forum add-ons section already is a 'big security risk', that doesn't see exploits very often.
you may recall we also have a bunch of underlings to do large portions of the work. we can confirm it's all sound easily enough, and then launch.
OH! When it does come out, maybe you should consider taking donations to pay the mod reviewers.  That's something to consider later on though...
money complicates literally everything about what we're doing
i cant imagine this will come around

"Updated a month ago"

please humor us by making some arbitrary change to the script that doesn't really make any difference to how it works.

"Updated a month ago"

please humor us by making some arbitrary change to the script that doesn't really make any difference to how it works.
wow  rude,

god I cant wait for you guys to finish this. And please please please keep the name BAM. Blockland Addon Manager

yeah I actually like BAM it has a nice ring to it