Author Topic: - Taking suggestions for new pages  (Read 5438 times)

Okay, I can't keep constantly updating the OP. Check my most recent post(s)

Other OP:Hey, think of a good domain name for my new website.

Original OP:Hello, everyone.
I'm back to modifying my website, which can be found here. It's hosted with 000webhost. I was wondering how I would be able to add more pages, besides the homepage. I can use FTP to transfer my html files. What would I name the html file that belongs to the extra page that I want to have?
I will go into further detail later, if need be.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 02:18:30 PM by Johnny Blockhead »

Name it "mypage.html" and it would be

What else do you mean?

Name it "mypage.html" and it would be

What else do you mean?

or he could make another directory called "mypage" and put index.html in that directory

which would then be

or he could make another directory called "mypage" and put index.html in that directory

which would then be
it would be

Thanks, I'm going to lock this until I run into another problem.

Topic converted temporarily into a suggest my domain name thread.
.com is a lame domain for normal people, .net is better

If you are going to get a domain, either get .asia or .id

Can someone recommend a website to register the domain to?

To be more specific, I'm looking for a website that accepts paypal, does not charge $5+, and can register domains.
I feel like something along the lines of "possession portal" or something.
I dunno if it sounds lame I'm bad at ideas