Author Topic: Plans of updating game interface?  (Read 10324 times)

Munk, TheBlackParrot, Brian Smith, Nullable and I have tried this before, but it is a monumental task.



I've been tempted recently to have another go
« Last Edit: February 15, 2014, 04:47:24 PM by Fluff-is-back »

if you do, then dont have it look like blockos please ^

I kinda like Blota, clean simple and without icons, 2014 enough.

haha, I had BlockOS for a long time, Blota looks better though

Whenever you hover over the options in the main menu, for example, it should fade in a picture of people DMing in the background if you hover over "Join A Game". Or if you picked "Start A Game", it'd show a picture of a blockhead building in the background of the main menu

just a cool idea

I think that would be overcomplicating the hud.

It would be nice to have some gui upgrades. Maybe not a complete overhaul, but other tweaks like a better loading screen (that gradient is kinda boring) that maybe cycles through screenshots like the menu does.

Game UI looks perfectly fine, the new main menu set-up just looks really silly.

I would like one like Blota

Yeah no need to completely redo it.  Honestly I haven't noticed any real major usability issues.  Maybe make things more consistent with the "start a game" menus is all I'd say though some things do benefit from being windows rather than fullscreen menus like the Options windows, but Join a Game could probably stand to be made consistent since it's already pretty much restricted to being the only active window when it's open, and the text size does not scale up to high DPI displays.  I'm sure some people here play on high res laptops and need to squint at the server list and this problem will only get worse in the future.

So yeah I'd say make a few more screens closer to the Start a Game UI and for things that benefit from being windows where you'd need to move them or have multiple open at a time, maybe make them more consistent in appearance to that UI but still as windows, and enlarge fonts or even use system DPI to determine font size and/or have a global font scale selection.  That might require uprooting a good bit of the existing torque GUI system that's kind of stuck in the old days of 15" CRT monitors running at 800x600.

So you want a code generated one? Guess I'm ok with this

I'm free this week, I'll try to get something done