Author Topic: Swollow's Addon Dump  (Read 16814 times)

bump i dont want this to die cuz i might make more mods

This is why RTB was way better than the Add-Ons section. Here, there's basically nothing to post about other than bugs.

the survival mod included
-scavenging for ammo food and weapons
-food you can pick up all with a food table and blah blah, each piece of food is worth different amounts
-a better heat mod with a more efficient system
-water drains heat at a fast rate
-center print messages for all the stuff you can do like opening doors grabbing food and scavenging
-auto healing when hunger above a certain point
-help messages for learning all the systems
-prevent bots from spawning on bot holes when players are really close or when looking at them

never finished i guess

Finish, I need that.

I just need a hunger mod that uses events and has a way to check hunger easily. It would also need to have a good depletion time and not change your size.

I think I speak for all of us when I say HOLY forget I NEED THAT HUNGER MOD PLESPLESPLESPLES  :cookieMonster:

I think I speak for all of us when I say HOLY forget I NEED THAT HUNGER MOD PLESPLESPLESPLES  :cookieMonster:
Yeah you do

k maybe at some point

Is this the same one Zealot uses?
no? i made it and am currently the only one who has it in an alpha state