Author Topic: How do I get started on Bitcoin/Litecoin/Dogecoin mining?  (Read 901 times)

I wanted to start making some money eventually (yes I know there's a thread already shut up), and it looks like the best way is to start mining for Bitcoins. However, the problem is: I don't know where to start.

From what I've learned, I need:
1. A wallet
2. Mining software
3. A good GPU/CPU
4. Knowledge

However, there's a few problems.

Mining software: Which one is the most recommended? How do I use it? Etc, etc.
GPU/CPU: I don't want to do this, as I'm afraid I'll raise the electric bill and also burn up my PC. However...

There's something I've been looking at, a ASIC Bitcoin Mining USB.

It has some good reviews, and stats are:

Uses a standard powered usb port or hub
Mines at over 300MH/s and with 3 sticks close to 1GH/s
500 - 510 mA (2.5W) With Green LED's
Various Colors (we ship what we have in stock and in hand)
Includes mining tips and software info

Either way, should I do this, and I'd need some help on figuring it out.
Thanks, either way.

Mine dogecoins. Litecoins and bitcoins are only worth having if you buy them.

For GPUs, Definitely get an AMD one, Nvidia ones arent that good for mining. Also remember: Most of the work is from the GPU so get a good one, using the cpu is inefficient and alot slower.

For GPUs, Definitely get an AMD one, Nvidia ones arent that good for mining. Also remember: Most of the work is from the GPU so get a good one, using the cpu is inefficient and alot slower.
Buying GPUs for bitcoin mining is a terrible idea. You will never get a return on your investment because it's mathematically impossible.

i heard mt.gox is very reliable and never forgets up

Be prepared to burn out your computer.
Ecurrency mining is quite taxing on a computer.

if you even consider mining dogecoin you are a huuuuuuuuuuge 'tard

if you even consider mining dogecoin you are a huuuuuuuuuuge 'tard

how many times has doge coins been hacked and crashed over bit coins?

looks like a zero to 8 record now.

if you even consider mining dogecoin you are a huuuuuuuuuuge 'tard
what's wrong with them

Quote from: KillerCop311
There's something I've been looking at, a ASIC Bitcoin Mining USB.

It has some good reviews, and stats are:

Uses a standard powered usb port or hub
Mines at over 300MH/s and with 3 sticks close to 1GH/s
500 - 510 mA (2.5W) With Green LED's
Various Colors (we ship what we have in stock and in hand)
Includes mining tips and software info

what about this?

what about this?
those become increasingly worse as bitcoins go along and aren't worth buying at this point

don't get into it. you'll just waste a bunch of money, even mining dogecoins
you need like 4 r9 290x's running at once, mining 24/7 to just get like 10 bucks a day, then factor in the colossal amount of power that would consume and you'd just be earning a mere few dollars
it'll take a few years to pay off, and by then the difficulty would be so high that you'd just regret it

tl;dr mining is stupid at this point in time

what about this?
I own some of these. I'm still trying to get these to work with a miner and it's not the easiest thing to get started with. Plus these are slightly outdated, I'm only using them for experimental purposes. Don't expect profit.
Edit: Another thing to note is these do not work with litecoin or dogecoin.

1. Don't
2. Live a happy life.