Author Topic: GUIded servers going down  (Read 16207 times)

If i disconnect from a server, then quickly reconnect, it doesnt clear the loading playerlist and it shows 2 of every player.

also it would be nice to be able to see the amount of players and servers online somewhere

No ping on the list? No sorting after refreshing?

No ping on the list? No sorting after refreshing?

Ping functions were being antisocial

I know this sounds silly but not capitalizing letters for menu buttons really gets on my nerves :U

In my opinion the main menu buttons should be put back where they are, or centered as we no longer have any buttons on the right.

after updating

I would love this if the buttons were capitalized

I don't see the big deal about the buttons being uncapitalized

This is very nice. Nice work.

Most of my complaints are what everyone else has been saying.  Mostly, there's no "Connect to IP" option which would be nice to connect to though I imagine when LAN support is complete, it can be used for that, but it'd still be nice to have.  Also in 800x600 (I play in a window while doing other stuff so I use a fairly low resolution), the menu items overlap the logo making them hard to read and just looks kind of ugly.

Then just the usual stuff.  No sorting outside of the list view.  No latency measurement or connectability status whatsoever.  I didn't test extensively, though as in I just loaded it up, found out I couldn't connect to my own server and then uninstalled.

Mostly, there's no "Connect to IP" option which would be nice to connect to though I imagine when LAN support is complete, it can be used for that, but it'd still be nice to have.

This is being added in next update

Also in 800x600

Minimum supported resolution is 1024x768

Can you add name/key change support in the next update please?

Can you add name/key change support in the next update please?

It is there now actually.

However I do believe there is a small bug where this is does not work at 768 resolution height. I have fixed this for the next update.

Probably should make that more obvious with a like downwards arrow or gear/wrench icon next to the name to indicate there's more options, also being specific to a minimum resolution like that when blockland can go all the way down to 640x480, and all the current UIs work just fine with that, is silly.  I'm sure you could have the logo bump up if it's going to overlap the text and make sure the text is no wider than 640 wide.  I'm sure plenty of people play in a window that's not most of the their screen size.  If blockland ever ends up obsoleting those lower resolutions for whatever reason then there'd be no point in supporting them but as long as they're default options, they should be supported to work correctly.

Probably should make that more obvious with a like downwards arrow or gear/wrench icon next to the name to indicate there's more options, also being specific to a minimum resolution like that when blockland can go all the way down to 640x480, and all the current UIs work just fine with that, is silly.  I'm sure you could have the logo bump up if it's going to overlap the text and make sure the text is no wider than 640 wide.  I'm sure plenty of people play in a window that's not most of the their screen size.  If blockland ever ends up obsoleting those lower resolutions for whatever reason then there'd be no point in supporting them but as long as they're default options, they should be supported to work correctly.

Maybe 5 years ago, I would agree with you. However, nowadays I think it is entirely rational to require a minimum resolution of 1024x768.  I may change things to work with 800x600.

I found a nice quote from ephialtes here from 3 years ago edit: 2 years ago
640x480 is a ridiculous resolution to have, but everything in BL and RTB is tested with 800x600 which I think should still be supported since it's not at all unreasonable.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 02:15:08 PM by Fluff-is-back »