Author Topic: DTS Exporter 97 beta 3 cannot create proper collision meshes, needs fix  (Read 1352 times)

The latest DTS exporter, 97 beta 3, is unusable for vehicles. Specifically, the collision box system. I recently had trouble with my vehicle's collision box versus the ground and bricks. Upon flipping, instead of bouncing, it thrust up and down out of the hard-coded ground, so fast that unmounting shot me underground or killed me. It also lets me drive straight through bricks and other vehicles. I downgraded to 964, the one using empties instead of layers, and the collision worked fine. Although 97b3 is much more intuitive and easier to use, the collision system it creates is broken.

This is a big issue. I shouldn't have to downgrade in order for a basic function to work. I'm not sure if I should be addressing Badspot, although I do recall that he makes exporters as well. To whomever it may concern, this needs fixing.

Wait, so the poor collision physics in BL are partially caused by the exporter? I recently exported a vehicle using the latest exporter, and even though I noticed some collision issues, they weren't nearly as severe as you describe them to be.
To be honest I find it pretty improbable that such a small update would break the collision exporter like that. Are you sure you didn't change anything in the model between using the two exporters?

But yeah, if the problem is with the exporter, it should be fixed. I also think someone should take time and port it to Blender 2.6, if possible. Using two different versions of the same program is quite cumbersome.

Well, have you tried flipping the vehicle? The issue occurs once the wheels aren't fully supporting it. I posted a screenshot on the previous topic in which I was confused on it:

That's only a still, if you were watching it in-game, you would notice it bobbing up and down very rapidly part way through the ground. Older add-ons made with the older version don't have this issue. When I downgraded, it fixed it as well.

Update, after a lot of testing the older exporter's model, it turns out it has the same problem, just not as bad. It doesn't pass right through bricks, but it will get stuck in and pass half way through bricks. And upside-down, it's slightly less likely to spazz out. If you're aware of how to export correctly, maybe you'd like to see my model and tell me if I'm doing something wrong?

Is your collision box concave in some place, or is all of it convex? Concave collision boxes don't work properly, so it has to be convex. Actually, take a picture of it and I'll try and see if there is anything wrong with it. For example, this is what mine looks like:


Also, keep in mind that Blockland's vehicle physics aren't exactly great (they're actually a bit crap). Even the default vehicles phase through the ground and get stuck in bricks.

Here is it formatted for the older exporter:

It's just a rectangle, named col, I know about the no-concave rule. And from there it is parented to col0 and then to shape. It's the same thing in the latest exporter, all followed word-by-word.

Yeah, that looks alright. I'm going to try the older exporter tomorrow and see if it makes any difference.

I've tried out different collision boxes, and they all have the ground glitch, the older exporter less so. I then tried them both on an older version of Blockland, and they collided just fine. I drove them around on Slopes, crashing them upside-down numerous times, and it worked fine. So although the older exporter is slightly better at collision, this is mostly the no-terrain update's fault.